Christmas Holidays

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Time had passed rather quickly after that weekend until the day finally came that the kids would be returning back to Grimmauld. Minerva made an announcement at lunch the day before.

"Now, I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday break, and don't forget about your homework!"

Several groans were heard while Minerva smiled. "Yes yes. I know. Anyway, as last year there was too much commotion getting those to the Marauders Children's Home—— really Potter, you couldn't have used a shorter name?"

"Sorry Headmistress!" Harry laughed.

"As I was saying, if you've signed up for the Home, instead of getting on the train, head to your Head of House's office where they will help you Floo directly to the Home. Any questions?"


"Good. Enjoy your holidays everyone!"

"Hey Harry!" Jackie called.

"Ah, hello Jackie, Steven. How are you liking your 5th year?" Harry asked, transforming from his cat form.

Steven scoffed. "We've got O.W.L.S! How could our year possibly be anything other than rubbish?"

Jackie elbowed him. "Least it's not N.E.W.T.S."

"I don't blame you Steven. I hated 5th year. Hated Umbridge."

"Oh, I heard she got sent to Azkaban for-"

"Forcing kids to use a Blood Quill?" Harry guessed.

Jackie nodded. "Yeah, how did you know?"

He showed her his hand. "I said Voldemort was back, but the Ministry was awful so that happened."

"So you formed an illegal group against the Ministry. Seems sensible." Steven sassed.

Harry chuckled. "Alright, let's get going then."
Neville was waiting for his three students, Archie Wright, a 7th year, Daisy Watson, a 4th year, and Cecelia Devyn, a 1st year. The latter a new student.

As the three walked in together, Cecelia nervously twirling a strand of curly black hair around her finger. "Sir,"

"Yes, Miss Devyn?"

"You were a Gryffindor, so why are you our Head? Sorry if I upset you."

"No, you're okay. Well as Professor Sprout retired, there are currently no Hufflepuff professors. So I just offered to help."


The four talked for a bit until Neville decided it was time to go.
Filius Flitwick has gathered his own bags-he was staying at the Home to help, you see-and waited for his Ravens to arrive.

They did, a nearly ten minutes later. There were no newcomers, but Nellie Hansen had decided not to return, with the simple answer that her parents had seen the error of their ways. Privately Filius didn't agree.

"Hi, Professor!" Damiana Zhang piped cheerfully, before asking, "Are you coming with? I see your bags."

He smiled up at her. "Yes, Miss Zhang, I've volunteered."

Seth Ling and Hallie Hemsworth, 7th year and 6th year respectively, weren't paying any attention, completely focused on each other. Word around school was they'd just gotten together last week. Filius hoped it would last. He'd sat them next to each other in class on purpose.

"Into the Floo everyone!" He squealed.
Horace smiled down at his several students, he really did wish his house didn't have so many kids going to the Home. It was good, of course, but he wished they had loving families instead. Oh well, at least Harry, that brilliant boy, had this idea to help.

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