Good Bye. We'll Miss You

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The day before the Healers would make everyone say goodbye to Harry, Arthur, Andromeda, and Teddy were sitting in the private room.

"How are you, Arthur?" Andromeda asked, bouncing Teddy, who kept gurgling, "Hawy! Hawy! Hawy!"

Arthur sighed, pulling his glasses off and cleaning them. "As well as could be expected. The funeral is set for a week from today. You're welcome to come of course."

Andromeda nodded, taking his hand. "Thank you. And don't worry. It gets easier to deal with as time goes on."

"Yes, I su-"


Ginny jumped up from where she was half asleep. "Dad! Harry's machine things beeping!"

Arthur quickly yelled for a Healer.

Healer John sprinted in. "Leave. I'll deal with this."

Ginny huffed as they were forced to sit outside the room. She slid down the wall with her head in her hands.

Arthur crouched beside her. "Hey Gin, it'll be okay. This might mean he's waking up."

"And if he doesn't?! Are they gonna kill him?!" Ginny cried.

"I thought you liked Neville?" Arthur changed the subject.

Ginny smiled into her hands. "I do, but Harry's like another brother now. I don't wanna lose another brother Dad."

Arthur patted her back.

Healer John stepped back out. "Mr. Weasley? Can we speak in private?"

He had a grim expression on his face as he led Arthur around the corner.

Ginny looked to Andromeda and saw her biting her lip. "I'm scared."

"Me too, Ginny. Me too."

Arthur came running around the corner and hugged Ginny with a grin. "He's going to be alright!"

Ginny let tears streak her cheeks. "Im going to Floo Luna!"
Damiana was sitting in front of the living room fireplace when she heard a pop and looked to see a face in it. She screamed, "Bloody Hell! LUUUUNNNAAAA!"

Ginny chuckled. "Hey Dami. Luna!"

Luna ran to her and noticed the tears. "What? Is it Harry?"

Ginny nodded. "He's awake!"

Luna grinned. "Oh thank Merlin! Damiana, can you tell Cho I'm going to Mungo's?"

Damiana nodded, still crouched behind the couch.
Luna and Ginny ran down the hall to see Andromeda. "Go in. Arthur's already there."

Luna grabbed Ginny's hand and opened the door. "Harry, Darling?"

Harry tried to sit up. Arthur had to help him and put his glasses on for him.   "L-Luna?"

Luna cried fresh tears. "Oh, yes, Harry."

She walked over to him and gently sat down on the bed, gathering him on her lap. She kept whispering, "I love you, so much." over and over.

"W-what're you doing h-here? Where am I?"

"I came because you were hurt. Do you remember?"

He itched his head. "Uh, I-I remember pain. And Ron. And spells."

"Okay, well you saw Ron getting tortured—"

"Is he okay?"

Arthur smiled. "Ron's fine, Harry."

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