Seventh Year Last Part (omg)

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After they'd eaten their lunch, Harry put his memory into the basin once again. "All right, put your fingers in again." And they were swept into his memory.

Harry had his Invisibility Cloak over himself as he was walking into the Forbidden Forest.

"You can't really be doing this." Hermione begged.

Harry shrugged. "Sorry Mione."

They watched as Harry pulled out the snitch and pressed it to his lips. "I am going to die," he whispered.

Andy looked at him worried, she had no idea what happened last night.

There was a small black stone inside the snitch with the Hallows symbol.

"Is that--" Neville asked.

Harry nodded. "It's the Resurrection Stone."

Harry closed his eyes and turned the stone in his hand three times. They gasped when Lily and James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin stood as ghost like figures in front of them

"Oh my..." Hermione whispered.

James was the same height as Harry, he was wearing the clothes in which he'd died, his hair was messily ruffled, and his glasses were crooked.

"James..." Minerva murmured, grabbing Harry's hand, which he squeezed.

Sirius was tall and handsome, younger by far than any of the teens had seen him. He had an easy grace about him, his hands in his pockets, and any grin on his face.

"Oh, Siri." Andy cried sadly, letting Neville hold her shoulder supporting her.

Remus was younger too, and less shabby, his hair thicker and darker. He looked happy back in the Forest; no doubt home to many wanderings with his friends.

Luna brought Teddy closer. "Look, Teddy, that's your daddy."  He looked up at her seriously.

Harry thought babies knew more than adults thought. 

Lily's smile was the happiest and widest. She pushed her long, dark red hair back, drawing close to Harry, her green eyes, like his, searched him hungrily. Both Harry's absently reached for her hand, passing through nothing.

Harry sighed. "Mum." He said quieter than was possible to hear.

"You've been so brave." Lily spoke.

Memory Harry didn't reply. He just watched her longingly.

"You are nearly there," James told him. "Very close. We are. . . so proud of you."

"They are, I know it." Minerva told him, tears in her eyes.

Then Harry asked the childish question: "Does it hurt?"

"Dying? Not at all," Sirius told him gently. "Quicker and easier than falling asleep."

George walked over to Harry, leaning against a tree now, and hugged him, muttering, "That's what you told me. Thanks, thanks so much."

Harry smiled at him. "Not a problem."

"And he will want it to be quick. He wants it over," said Remus.

"I didn't want you to die," Harry said, the words coming fast. "Any of you. I'm sorry --" He was addressing Remus more than the rest. "--right after you'd had your son. . . Remus, I'm sorry --"

"I am sorry too," the werewolf replied gravely. "Sorry I will never know him . . . but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life."

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