Quibbler & Letters

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Luna woke Harry, asking, "When did you want the article about last year published?"

Harry shrugged sleepily. "Whenever. Can I teach?"

She nodded.

Harry grinned. "Yes! Love you, I'm off to class."

After he showered, he left, Obsidian in his pocket.

The article came out that day at lunch.

"So," Pomona told him, "the real story?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. The full truth."

Filius frowned. "You seem worried."

Harry was clenching his hair at the roots. "Yeah, a bit. How'd you tell?" He chuckled. "How is everyone going to take it?"

Minerva called for silence. "Please, eat your lunch! You may talk to your friends later!"

Harry sighed. "Merlin, was this the right choice?"
An owl came minutes later, right towards Harry. He covered his plate, so it wouldn't ruin his lunch. "Andy's owl!" He exclaimed.

Harry quickly untied the letter, giving the huge owl his ham. Then he read,

  I know you feel bad you cannot be here to see Teddy's big momemts, so I've been videotaping him. Guess what! He crawled today! I left him with some toys while I went to get something, and he crawled to the couch. I thought you should know, so here's a picture (magical kind) for you. We'll see you soon!


Hagrid looked over to see Harry grinning. "Wha's so great Harry? Haven't seen yeh grin since yeh got the job here!"

Harry showed him the picture, which led to him yelling to Minerva, across the hall, "HEADMISTRESS! LOOK AT WHAT HARRY'S GOT! TEDDY'S CRAWLING!"

Which led to everyone looking at said professor, cheers, and Harry hiding his face, laughing.


"I was planning on telling you guys first, but that didn't happen." Harry told Luna and Hermione during break.

Luna kissed his cheek. "I know, congratulations by the way."

"Yeah, most kids aren't crawling yet, I'll bet he's intelligent!" Hermione gushed.

Harry laughed. "Well, I'd better go put that cream on. You guys wanna come chill in my dorms?"

The girls shrugged.

"Jesus, Harry!" Hermione yelped when he took his shirt off.


"W-well, you have lightning on your chest and arm!" Then she mumbled, "not to mention those abs."

Luna rolled her eyes. "The next bad storm is in a week."

Harry bit his lip. "What, what's gonna happen? Am I just gonna be covered in--"

"Hey, don't worry. We'll figure this out." Luna promised.

Hermione jumped up. "Off to the--".

"Library." Harry finished with a half hearted grin.

She smiled. "It's like you're in my brain sometimes."

He laughed.

Harry walked into his last class of the day. He answered all their questions, and after a 5th year, Annabelle Coral, asked, "How did you stay so...positive during the war? I couldn't do anything, I felt so...so stupid, weak, cowardly, I was such a disappointment to my parents, and now they're gone, and my brother hates me! He says it was my fault."

Harry gave her some chocolate, as he did to certain students who he knew felt bad. "Ms. Coral, I'm going to tell you something I wish someone had told me, because I felt like you. I want all of you to listen.

You are Braver then you believe,

Stronger than you seem,

Smarter than you think,

And Loved more than you know.

Class dismissed."

Most of them ran out, but several thanked him.

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