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Harry hated Halloween for many reasons. Most prominently being his parent's deaths. But this year wasn't worse, exactly, but he had to dance. In front of people.

Sure, Luna and he'd danced plenty of times! But that was alone.

Though, he only had himself to blame. It all started on a chilly Tuesday afternoon in the staffroom.


"Miss Zhang and O'Malley are excellent at Charms!" Filius was saying. "Almost as well as Miss Granger and Miss Evans was."

Harry's head snapped up from his coffee.

They all nodded.

"We're working on the memory charm right now--"

Harry snorted.


"Sorry, it's just--Lockhart, Ron and I..."

Minerva chuckled. "Ah, yes. Old fraud's still in St. Mungo's."

"Oh, my, do you all remember that Valentine's?" Pomona groaned.

Slughorn had no idea. "What happened?"

Harry blushed.

This seemed to make them all laughed harder.

"Well," Minerva explained, sipping her tea, "Poor Ginny Weasley, sent Harry here, a Valentine, but it gets better! Lockhart hired what, trolls, goblins, to sing them!"

"No!" Slughorn laughed.

Everyone but Harry cheered, "Yes!"

"Then," Filius continued laughing, "then it chased Harry, and sat on him, in the middle of the corridor!"

Harry moaned, slamming his head on the table.

"We should have a Halloween Ball!" Slughorn decided. "All the professors can start the dance!"

Harry pounded his head harder.

"Wonderful, Horace!" Pomona chuckled.

And now, here he was, about to dance with Minerva. "Come on, Harry, it won't be that bad."

Harry gave her a look that clearly said, 'Do I look like an idiot?'

"Oh, don't be that way! I'm sure you'll dance with Luna later. Besides, no storms tonight."

Harry sighed, and began to lead her when them music started.

Under her breath, Minerva was counting to help him. "1...2.3.4...1...2.3.4..."

Finally, it ended, and the students began dancing too.

Harry spotted Luna with Hermione, Ginny, and Neville. As Harry approached, Ginny and Neville left, both grinning.

"Hey, Hermione, I think you should look behind you. It seems there's a gift." Harry told her.

She looked, and Ron came out of the shadows. "Hello, M'lady. Care to dance?"

"Oh, Ron!" And off they went.

Harry took Luna's hand, adorned with a small green band, with the word, 'MOON' on it. "Would you care to dance, Miss Lovegood?"

She smiled. "I would."

So, everyone was dancing, and the Ball was a success.

While they were cleaning, Minerva asked Harry, "Not so bad, eh? I saw you and Luna had fun."

Harry blushed. "Er, yeah. Not as bad as the Yule Ball, I'll admit."
Harry was standing in his bathroom, just looking at his scars: The original lightning bolt on his forehead, the 'I must not tell lies' on his hand, the circle on his chest, from the horcrux, and the strikes of lightning, that 'splintered' or ricocheted off each other.

Luna came up behind him. "You know, they don't make you any different."

Ron agreed, munching on some cold chicken. "Yeah, Mate, Charlie still thinks you're 'gorgeous' if only you were a dragon, he says."

Harry laughed.

Hermione fingered his chest's strike of lightning. "You know, one day you'll be in research books. So many kids will look up to you."

Harry eyed her with a bemused look. "Great."
So, I wanted to post this yesterday, because it was Halloween, but I didn't like it, so I added onto it, and now it's this.

Also, I just got my blood work done. It hurt, but yeah, now my parents are taking me to Deerfield, so yay!

Let me know what you wanna read next! I might tag you or something if I use your idea!

Don't let the Muggles get ya down!

Don't let the Muggles get ya down!

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