A Series Of Birthdays

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Delilah was fast asleep with Bunny when she was woken by soft singing. "Happy Birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, my dear." Luna and Harry sang.

Delilah shook her head. "I don't wanna wake up."

Harry tickled her. "Come on! We're gonna have cake and ice cream."

Delilah let herself be dressed and her hair done, then they Floo'd over to the Weasleys.

Harry thought it was way too quiet, as he walked into the kitchen where he ate breakfast so many times.

"Looking sharp HareBear." Charlie wolf whistled.

Harry blushed. "Charlie!"

Arthur came and hugged him. "Only a few months until the big day, you two!"

Luna and Harry smiled at each other.

Arthur looked at Delilah. "Hello there. I don't think we've met. My name is Arthur."

"I'm Delilah."

"Aww, she's adorable!" Someone cooed.

Harry look over to see Angelina Johnson, from his old Quidditch team.

"Oh, hi Angelina! I haven't seen you in years." He waved.

Angelina hugged him. "I know, congratulations by the way."

Harry grinned. "Thanks."

"I see Quidditch has done you a lot of good. Look at those muscles." She jokes.

Harry laughed.

George put his arm around her. "Angelina and I've started dating, so I invited her.

"That's great you two."

Delilah looked around until she was picked up by Ginny. "Hello there, little girl! How old are you now?"

"I'm four!" Delilah yelled.

Ron chuckled. "That's great! I'm Ron."

Fleur walked over and said, "Delilah, this is Victoire. She's your cousin."

Arthur looked at the family clock. "Do you think Percy's coming?"

"I dunno, Dad. I think he still feels bad." Bill shrugged.

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" Percy yelled, running through the door. "Percy Weasley, what's your name young lady?"

"Delilah." Delilah whispered, slightly scared by his sudden appearance.

"Cake time!" Hermione called from the kitchen. "Here you go Delilah, the biggest piece."
Around a month later came Neville Harry's 20th birthdays.

They had all decided to hold a dinner for them. Ron stood up, and clapped Harry's shoulder. "Mate, I love you, but with your track record, it's a bloody miracle you're alive. Good job."

"HEAR HEAR!" They yelled, drinking more Firewhiskey.

Harry just hid his laugh.

Next, Ron grabbed Neville's shoulder and said, "Happy birthday, Snake Slayer. G-Good sword skills." He hiccuped then sat back down, completely drunk.
August 11th was Ginny's birthday, Percy's was the 22nd, and the wedding was the 30th.

It was the night before, and everyone was buzzing with nervous energy.

All the men stayed at the Burrow, while the women slept at Shell Cottage.

Ron woke Harry up early. "OI MATE! ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY!"

Harry shot up and accidentally Stupefied him. "Shite. Sorry Mate." He revives him and shrugged. "I didn't mean to!"

Ron just grumbled, passing him his Tuxedo. "Go get this on, and try to manage your hair."

When Harry returned, Ron was dressed. "Your hair is...ugh!" Ron exclaimed.

The rest of the men got ready, and they just spent some time talking until Hermione's patronus, their signal to come, arrived. "Come on over boys."

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