Seventh Year Part 14

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"So," Hermione started in the silence at the table, "we stayed at Shell's Cottage for a few days, Teddy was born, Remus came over and made Harry hus godfather, we decide to break into Gringotts, with Griphook's help. Basically what happened, to sum it up, is I polyjuiced myself into Bellatrix, Ron dressed up as a foreigner, and Harry and Griphook went under the Cloak."

"Everything was going well until we had to go under the. . ." Ron trailed off, forgetting.

Fleur and Bill's exchanged panicked looks. "Ze Zief's Fall!" She exclaimed.

"Oh yeah," Harry muttered. "That's what it's called. Anyway, our disguises came off, and Griphook made me use the Imperius Curse on another goblin, multiple times."

"Harry!" Ginny exclaimed.

"It's was war, Gin. I'm not proud of it."

"I-I'm sorry Har. I didn't mean anything."
"I know," Harry shrugged it off.

"We got into Bellatrix's vault-"

"Oh!" Andromeda exclaimed, looking them over.

"What?" Charlie asked.

"Bella, she has protections, if you touch anything you'll get burns."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, and Jeez did it hurt. But we got the horcrux. Losing the sword, sadly. Griphook ditched us."

Bill tsked. "Knew it."

Ron started again. "Yeah, well, get out of the vault, found a dragon, and Harry --"

"--being his brilliant self--" Hermione added.

Harry groaned, putting his face in his hands.

Luna chuckled softly, patting his back.

"Yeah, Harry said, "Hey guys, a dragon, let's ride it to safety, because isn't that just the thing Harry does?" Ron laughed.

"SO," Harry talked over him, "SO, we got on, and got the hell outta there, just chilling out on the dragon, and then we, er, jumped off."

They all face palmed.

"Harry!" Andromeda exclaimed shrilly. "Do you know how dangerous that is?!"

"They're jus' misunderstood creatures, is all!" Hagrid told her.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, not even joking, "They're a little dangerous, sure, but they're not as bad as you think!"

"Exactly," Charlie agreed, then went off on a rant.

Neville raised his eyebrows. "Okay, I get Charlie and Hagrid, but Harry?"

Hermione's eyes suddenly widened in horror and anger. "Harry James Potter."

He winced. "Yes, my loving sister and best friend, whom I love?"

"Remember that model dragon I told you to dispose of with the other Champions because you shouldn't take care of a dragon, even if it is too small to do damage?"

"Uh, I don't recall?"


"Hermione, really, Sid is not that dangerous."

"Sid?! You named a dragon, Sid?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"Oh, classic Harry." George laughed.

"He's not bad! Besides, his proper name is Obsidian." Minerva chimed.

"Professor? You-you knew?" Neville asked.

"Well, of course, who else would take care of him while Harry was battling Voldemort?"

Hermione stood, walking away. She threw her hands up, calling back, "That's enough crazy for today!"

"Say Harry?" Charlie asked.

"You wanna see him, don't you?" Harry replied. "Well, alright, but be careful, he's kind of...well, he takes off without warning when he's scared." He then gently pulled Obsidian out of is shirt pocket.

"Don't worry Lu," he said when Luna looked concerned. "I put several charms on my shirt pockets to keep him safe and unnoticeable."



"SO, we should continue, don't you think?" Bill asked eventually.

"Yeah, I'll start." Harry volunteered, letting Obsidian crawl over his neck and lie down on his shoulder. "So, where were we? Had we gotten to the dismantling of Gringotts? 'Cause that happened, then we jumped off," He muttered to himself. "Oh, right. We'd just jumped off, into this lake, whichwas green, and yeah, we plummeted into it, and swam towards the surface and to land, coughing and spluttering. Hermione collapsed down, I don't remember what you did, Ron."

"I, uh, think I looked after Hermione, maybe? I know you did the protective spells. We all had these red welts and burns, parts of our clothes had been singed off, so we were putting Dittany on ourselves, we changed and drank some Butterbeer we got from Shell Cottage."

"Then," Harry continued, "we started talking about the horcruxes again. Mione asked about the dragon, I said it could look after itself, and it was us, we needed to worry about,"

"When she asked, 'what do you mean?' and Ron said,"

" 'Well, I don't know how to break it to you, but I think someone might have noticed we broke into Gringotts,"

"Then we laughed. That kinda laugh, you can't stop." Harry smiled. "Then," He sighed. "Voldemort was so..."

"Pisses off?" Ron chuckled.

"Actually, yeah. He was so mad, I got into his mind without him knowing, aand saw a vision. It was basically him finding out about the break in, punishing tons of goblins and people, that's when he realized...realized we were looking for horcruxes, he unknowingly told me where the last one was."

Ron and him both spoke, "Hogwarts."

"So, that's why you came?" Minerva asked.

They nodded. "Harry told us, Voldemort knew. I felt bad, we just dismissed his idea of Hogwarts, but anyway," Ron continued, "Hermione didn't wanna go without a plan, but we agreed it wouldn't help anything. So, we Apparated under the Cloak, into Hogsmeade."

"Well shite." Neville muttered. "The Caterwauling Charm!"

"The what?" asked Andromeda.

"The Caterwauling Charm. It turns on after the curfew they set up. It lets out this terrible scream, and they'll know someone's out. The punishment..." George shook his head. "I've seen it, not pretty.''

"Death Eaters came out, they tried summoning the Cloak,but it wouldn't work. Then they unleashed Dementors. I didn't want us getting Kissed, so I cast my patronus." Harry carried on.

"Yer patronus," Hagrid whispered. "Yeh'll get caugh' for sure."

Ron nodded. "Yeah well, we didn't luckily. We ran, quietly, around a corner, when Aberforth grabbed us, to come inside. He helped us, talked to us, he was the one who sent Dobby. He helped us get into Hogwarts."

They all looked panicked, they knew the Battle was next.

''Break time, I think." Arthur suggested.




GUYSSS! There's only 2 or 3 more chapters till the memories are done omfg! Are you excited? I am!

AsdfghjklkjhgfdsA Don't worry, I'm not crazy...well, not that much. Haha. : )

Anyway, do you like Obsidian?

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