Seventh Year Part 15

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When the Weasleys, Minerva, Hagrid, and Neville finally got there, they surrounded his bed. "What happened, Mate? You look as bad as Lupin!" Neville exclaimed. 

Harry shrugged helplessly. "Wish I knew Nev. Anyway, we should start. We had to go to Hogwarts so we could find a horcrux--something of Ravenclaw's."

"Wait," Ginny stopped him. "how many horcruxes do you have right now?"

"Well," Hermione sighed, "There's the diary,"

"One." Ron counted.

"the ring,"


"the locket,"


"Hufflepuff's cup,"


"So four. And we were looking for six." Hermione said, with a glance at Harry."

"Anyway," Ron continued swiftly, "we found out it was a diadem, Luna took Harry up to the Ravenclaw Common Room, so he could see the statue with the diadem on it."

"Then, once we were up there, we saw one of the Carrows. Luckily, Luna stunned her." Harry said. "Voldemort was at the cave at this point. Then the brother, Amycus. He insulted Minerva, and spat on her, and I uh, couldn't stand for that, y'know." He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Minerva shook her head with a laugh. "Your father did that too, once."



"Anyway, I, may have..." He mumbled quietly, "used the Cruciate Curse on him. I was so mad, he had no right to disrespect her like that--"

They all looked at him speechless. "Wow." Fleur gasped. "I knew 'e respected you, Minerva, but, wow "

Minerva smiled. "Yes, well."

"So, then Minerva was surprised to see me, called me foolish, and after that things sped up. We ran into Snape, and Minerva and he started dueling, before Professors Flitwick, Sprout, and Slughorn came and chased Snape out. We went back to the ROR, where Ginny got into an argument with Molly about staying, when, well, Percy, literally, barged in."

"Zat was zo awkward." Fleur laughed. "I asked Remus about Teddy, and 'e started shouting about 'im"

Andromeda shook her head with an amused grin. "He was so terrible in those situations. But how he loved Teddy." She sighed.

"Anyway," Hermione continued. "Harry's told basically all thus, it's my turn. Percy started shouting how he was a fool, etc. etc. But anyway, Ron and I had already gone to Myrtle's bathroom, and down the Chamber. We'd gone to get Basilisk fangs, so we could destroy the horcruxes."

Harry began an gain. "With me, I was looking for Mione and Ron in the Great Hall, when Voldemort's voice rang out everywhere. You all remember, I know, but basically he said to hand me over, Pansy to be precise, but the Ravenclaws, Hufflepuff's and Gryffindors surrounded me, protectively. Then they evacuated the underage and Slytherins. Obviously, however,some still stayed to fight."

"Harry found Rowena Ravenclaw ghost, and asked her where the diadem was. Eventually she told him, and when he found us, after explaining where we were, I mentioned hiuse elves, abd Hermione kissed me- "

"More like snogged." Harry muttered.

"--all went to the Room Of Requirement." Ron added. "We tried finding it when Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle started chasing us. Almost killed and tortured us too. Buy eventually Crabbe...I think...set off Fiendfyre, and we got the diadem and almost got out, but Harry made us save Malfoy and Goyle. Crabbe fell though, and died."

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