Fleur and Bill

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That Sunday, Fleur and Bill arrived at The Home as Harry was setting the table, much to Kreacher's dismay. Damiana opened the door and hollered, "Yo, Ginny! A dude, a Weasley, Will maybe? And a blondie, FeFe? Just got here!"

Ginny walked to them, chuckling. "Damiana, it's Bill and Fleur." She corrected, hugging her brother then sister-in-law. "How are you guys? Harry's setting the table now. Dinner should be ready soon." She spotted Cho and Dudley whispering and Cho giggling. "Yo, lovebirds! Why don't ya go call the kids for dinner, eh?"

Cho and Dudley sprung apart and Dudley yelped, "Yes Ma'am!"

"Really, Ginny?" Cho groaned, hiding her blush.

When everyone was seated, and Andy, Teddy, the Weasleys, and Minerva had Floo'd in, Bill stood up, clinking his glass.

Harriet and Ron both slowly dropped the food halfway to their mouths, noticing no one else had vegan yet.

"Um, Fleur and I have an announcement." Bill told them.

Fleur grinned and patted her stomach. "I eem preegnant!"

The table exploded with congratulations, and Padma and Parvati turned to Ginny and squealed, "You'll be a great aunt!"

Arthur hugged Bill and then Fleur. "Congratulations you two! Our—um, my first grandchild!"

Everyone looked down solemnly until George yelled, "I bet it's a boy!"

Ginny laughed. "No way. It's a girl!"

Ron joined. "I bet you five Galleons it's a boy."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Fine. I say it's a girl."

Luna laughed. "I say it's a boy."

Harry shook his head. "Nope. It's a girl."

Fleur laughed. "You're all crazy."

Heeeyyyy! I hope you liked this! I have terrible writers block, so sorry if this is bad. Lemme know what you wanna see next!

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