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In November, Harry decided to talk Neville into helping him, so he made his way down to Neville's office after the students had left for Hogsmeade. "Hey Nev."

Neville looked up. "Oh, hey Harry. Everything alright?"

Harry looked very nervous.

"Yeah. I just need your help. I was hoping you could help me pick something out at Hogsmeade."

Neville nodded, and they left for Jasmine's Jewelry.
"What do you need this for again?" Neville asked.

Harry sighed, then whispered. "For Luna. I'm proposing."

Neville gaped. "Already? Isn't it a bit early?"

Harry shrugged. "I guess maybe, but I really love her. It's not like we have to get married now..."

Neville nodded. "Well, as long as you want to. I know Luna loves you. You're great together."

Harry smiled. "So are you and Ginny."

Neville blushed. "What about this one?"

It had a small diamond in the middle and had a small, gold colored band.

"I was thinking of getting it engraved." Harry told him.

"With what?"

"Just as sane as I am."

"Right. I think the owner is over there."

"Hello! I'm Jasmine, of Jasmine's Jewelry! How may I help you?" She asked, with a tinkling laugh.

"Um, I'd like an engagement ring-"

"Oh, who's the lucky lady? You're Harry Potter, right?"

"Yes, And my girlfriend. Anyway, I want a simple diamond on a gold band."

"Okay, now anything else?"

"Yeah. Can you engrave it with a quote?"

"Yes. Just write it down."

"Okay." He wrote, Just As Sane As I Am on some parchment and handed it over.

"Okay, I'll send the ring where?"

"Just to Hogwarts. I'm a professor there."

"Yes, that's alright. Have a good day!"

"Merlin, I can't believe that just happened!" Harry gasped.

Neville grinned. "How are you gonna do it?"

"Well, Luna doesn't care how fancy I am, so I thought about doing it at the Home. But I want it to be special, you know?"

Neville nodded.

"So I thought about taking her to Paris over Christmas?"

"Great idea. You could propose in front of the Eiffel Tower!"

As they walked back to the school, Neville helped Harry make plans. This was gonna be great.

I finally updated!! The picture at the top is what the ring looks like. I'll update soon.

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