Mr. Lovegood.

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Harry had just woken up when he heard his name being called. He walked to the living room, this time remembering to put his shirt on, and saw it was Luna.

"Luna! Hey." He exclaimed, hugging her.

"Hey, Har. How did yesterday go?"

Harry sighed. "Let me get you some breakfast, this'll be awhile."

She frowned. "Okay," she sat next to him in front of the fireplace. "Tell me everything."

So he did, Luna was very mad --protective, you see--and she told him she'd rather he didn't see them again.

"Lu, Aunt Petunia and Dudley were great! It was Vernon. And, well, I found out something I didn't tell Minerva."

She looked at him curiously.

"Since I left," Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes, "Vernon's been taking his anger out on them. Mostly Aunt Petunia. I want to help, but I don't know what to do."

She sighed. "Could he really hurt them?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know how far he'll go, that's the problem."

"I...don't know Harry."

He nodded. "Amyway, how are you?"

She shook her head. "Dad,"

Hermione pulled her closer. "Yeah," he urged her on.

"St. Mungo's owned me last night, they said to say my goodbyes." She cried a bit.

"I, am so sorry. Have you...yet?"

She shook her head. "I was hoping you'd come with."

He nodded. "Of course. When?"


"Okay, I'll just send Minerva a Patronus, so she knows why I'm not here."

He swirled his wand, and told the figure, "Minerva, I have to go with Luna to St. Mungo's. Important. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Love you, Dad." Luna told him softly.

"Luna, my Luna." The man whispered. " that?"

He had pointed to Harry.

Luna chuckled. "That's Harry, Dad. Harry Potter. I'm dating him. Remember?"

"Oh, oh yes. Luna, I love you."

"Love you too Dad."

Harry smiled at him.

"Say hi to Mum for me, okay?"

"Yes Luna."

"I'm sorry." Harry apologized again.

"It's not your fault, Harry. I'm going to hang out with Gin. I'll talk to you later?"

Harry nodded definitely. "Sorry I've been so...away, lately."

She shrugged. "You've been busy. I love you." She kissed his cheek before leaving.

Harry sighed, going to meet Minerva.

So, the dog at the top is my dog, Lily, btw. I'm running out of pictures to put up there. 😂 So, I'd like ideas for chalters, if you have any! Bye!

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