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Ellie was walking to class when she was shoved, and collided with a professor, Harry. "Miss Dayson! Let me help you up." Harry exclaimed, grabbing her hand.

"T-thanks." She thanked, feeling her mouth, which had collided with the ground.

"Are you alright? Why don't I write you a note. You should go see Madam Pomfrey."

Ellie shook her head. "I just tripped. It's okay."

He gave her a look. "Miss Dayson, I don't believe you tripped. So what we're gonna do, is you'll get your mouth fixed, a tooth came out, and I'll write you a note. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me. Correct?"

Ellie nodded.

Harry smiled. "Like it or not, you're part of my family now. I'm very protective of my family."
"Ellie, over here!" Damiana yelled.

Ellie smiled. "Hey."

"What's wrong?"


"I'm not stupid, and you're not stupid enough to believe that. So don't insult us both."

Ellie leaned back on the grass. "Look, it's just some kids. I'm fine."

"Wow Ellie. You look like a catastrophe!" Lucas grinned, dropping a cat on her.

She grinned and rolled her eyes. "You're such an idiot."

He pulled her up.

"Well, this idiot wants to dance." He smirked at her expression. "No way! I don't wanna—why are you spinning me?!"

Ellie shrieked as he grabbed her by her feet and held her upside down. She went to hold her skirt up. "Lucas! I'm in a skirt! Put me down!"

Damiana and Kelsey giggled as Lucas groaned and let her down. "Why can't girls wear paAHHHHH!"

All three girls had leapt on top of him, pinning him down.

They all wrestled until they got tired and just laid across each other, limbs attached.

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