Healer Visit

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Luna was bustling about the house when suddenly she felt herself go cold. Like when a ghost went through you...


It was a ghost. The ghost was a woman, with red hair and green eyes, Harry's eyes. "Lily Potter?" Luna whispered.

Lily nodded. "Hello Dear. How far along are you?" She nodded to Luna's stomach. Oh, two. Harry wants to go see a Healer this weekend,"

Lily nodded. "I do hope he's happier this year than the last. On Halloween, I mean. It's not here yet, it's only the sixth after all...I'm sorry. I don't believe we've properly met. I'm Lily Potter."

"Luna. Luna Potter." Luna smiled.

Lily grinned. "Ah, so my son broke the tradition."

Luna tilted her head.

Lily clarified. "They say Potters always fall in love with redheads. But Harry didn't. He fell in love with the gorgeous Luna Lovegood. I know your father."

"How is he?"

"He's well. You look just like your mum. They both are so proud."

"Mama?" Delilah asked, running in. "Who's that?"

"Don't point Dear. This is Lily Potter. Harry's Mum."

"But I thought she died?"

Lily nodded. "I did. I'm still dead, just a ghost."

Delilah nodded, turning on Luna. With her hands on her hips, she scolded, "Mama! What did Papa say? Rest, rest, rest!"

Lily and Luna giggled. "Yes, Delilah. Why don't we both go watch Barney?"

"Yay! Can Teddy and Gran Andy come over?"

Luna shrugged. "I'll owl them, go get the Telly turned on."

"Oh, Luna, Dear!" Andy exclaimed, setting the two year old down.

Luna smiled and looked up from the sofa. "Andy!" She exclaimed, getting up.

Andy's hands went to her stomach. "Oh dear, your stomach is already visible!"

Delilah and Teddy ran off to Delilah's room, and the two women went to the kitchen, the purple dinosaur still singing in the sitting room. "How far are you?"

Luna smiled, making dinner. "About two and a half months. Harry and I are going to the Healer tomorrow."

Andy nodded, beginning to help her.

Luna stopped. "Actually Andy, we've been meaning to ask, would you come with us? We both see you as a aunt of sorts, and we'd like you there."

Andy nodded. "Of course Luna. I'll ask Fleur to watch Teddy and Delilah."
The three were at St. Mungo's, and waiting. "Mr. and Mrs. Po-Potter?"

They stood, and were lead to an examination room.

"Mrs. Potter, please drink this potion, it will let us X-ray your stomach."

"Yes ma'am." Luna agreed, letting Harry help her lie down.

"Ah, well this is...surprising to say the least. Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Congratulations, it's a  .  .  .

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