Classes (Again)

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Harry had barely welcomed his class of second years when they yelled, "CONGRATULATIONS PROFESSOR!"

Harry blushed and smiled at them. "Thanks...anyway, let's learn about werewolves. What do you already know?"

"Ooh, me, Professor! I know!"

"Hermione!" Ginny yelled at the angry girl.

"What?" She snapped.

"What is with you? Are you okay?" Ginny asked.

Hermione began crying. "I'm fine. It's just, Harry's getting married, and he's my little brother! And then he brings in this kid, and what if she hurts him? It's all just so much. And I don't know if Ron will ever ask me to marry him..."

"Oh Mione, don't worry. Everything will work out. Talk to Ron about it." Ginny hugged her again.
"Harry," Filius whispered at breakfast.

Harry looked up from a letter Luna had sent and smiled. "Yes, Filius?"

He laughed. "Oh, Harry, you're smiling again."

Harry blushed. "Sorry. Luna sent me a letter."

Filius shook his head. "Ah, love. Anyway, there's a storm tonight. Starts at six o'clock."

"Thank you for letting me know. I wondered why my neck was aching."

Minerva frowned at him. "You're supposed to get pain Potions from Poppy for that!"

Harry shrugged. "It wasn't the worst I've had. I ignored it."

She rolled her eyes. "Harry, you've died! Nothing will beat that."

Harry shrugged. "Sorry?"

She sighed. "How is Luna and Delilah doing?"

Harry grinned. "Great. Apparently Delilah produced fire yesterday, but she extinguished it by herself. They're really liking the house."

"That's Good. When are you publishing your book?"

"You have a book, boy?" Horace asked.

Harry nodded. "Luna, Hermione, and I wrote it this past year. It should be published soon. We're working on it."

"I bet you'll get even richer." Neville laughed.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I'd spend it on the Weasleys, but they refuse."

Neville clasped his shoulder. "Put it in your will. Then they have to take it. Well, when you die."
That Saturday, Luna decided to surprise Harry as he was free and in his dorms.

She woke up and threw on a white sweater and black leggings, braiding her hair loosely.

"Delilah, honey. Wanna go see Harry?" She asked, waking her up.

Delilah sat up, her hair looking like a tornado had been there. "Yes please!"

"Okay, let's get you in a bath first." Luna suggested, grabbing a towel, a comb, and a pair of warm clothes for Delilah.

"Okay! Can Ducky come?" She asked, picking up her rubber duck.

"Of course!" Luna replied, picking her up and running to the next door bathroom.

She ran a warm bath, helped Delilah wash, and then combed out the blonde curls. "It hurts Luna!"

"I'm really sorry, Delilah. I don't know how to do your hair well."

Delilah sat, letting her comb the curls out and pin her bangs back, then dressed up in a red sweater dress and black leggings. "I look like you!"

Luna looked down. "Huh, you do! Ready to go?"

Delilah nodded, running to the door.

Luna took her hand and they began the half hour walk to Hogwarts.
Finally, they made it to the Pitch.

"Luna, my tiny legs can only do so much!" Delilah exclaimed.

Luna sighed, picking her up. "I know honey. I'm tired too. How about we go meet Hagrid, and rest?"

She spotted Hagrid feeding the Thestrals. "Hi Hagrid!"

Hagrid turned and waved, "LUNA LOVEGOOD! HOW ARE YEH?"

Delilah his in Luna's hair. "I'm alright. Mind if we rest with you? We walked from our house."

Hagrid shook his head. "Course not! I'll even take yehs up yer Harry!"

Minutes later, Delilah got courage to reveal her head again.

"Hello there, little one. The name's Hagrid. Who are you?" Hagrid asked kindly.

"I'm Deliah." Delilah whispered.

Hagrid picked both girls up and took them up to the castle. "I trust yeh know yer way?"

Luna chuckled. "I should hope so! Thanks Hagrid."

"Not a problem!"
Finally reaching the portrait, now of Lily and James, she said, "umm, darn it."

Then Lily spoke. "He likes pancakes, remember."

Luna jumped. "Lily?"

"Hello, Dear. We can speak later. Go see my son." Lily repeated.

Luna nodded, swinging the portrait open. "Har?"

Her fiancée came stumbling out of the bedroom covered in ink, and smiled at her. "How are you? I've missed you so much!"

She kissed him, tasting ink. "What happened?"

"Ron sent me a ink Well from WWW." He told her, picking Delilah up and spinning her. "Hi Delilah!"

"Harry!" She giggled.

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