3 a.m. Fun

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Damiana had to be revived, but was okay, Ellie and the other kids were given calming draughts, Luna's head hurt terribly, and Madam Pomfrey forced her to stay in bed for a few days. Harry's arm was broken, but was healed in seconds.

"Why are these people attacking?" Damiana asked. "Don't they realize eventually they'll be sent to Azkaban?"

Skye shrugged. "They probably liked it before Voldemort was defeated. They're just trying to get that back."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, that's why we'll have to fight them off."

"Is there gonna be another war?" Ellie asked.

The Golden Six looked at each other. They hoped not.

Ron shook his head. "Not if we can help it."
Luna snuck up on Harry once back at Grimmauld while he was making pancake batter. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hello Darling."

"Hey Love. What are you doing up?" He whispered.

"Came to find you. You weren't in bed."

Harry turned around and kissed her nose. I'm sorry. I'm making pancakes."

"At three in the morning?"

Harry shrugged. "Wanted a midnight snack." He grinned at her.

She smiled at him. "Did you have a nightmare?"

He picked her up and sat her on the table. "Maybe. Did you?"

"Yes, oh, and put some chocolate chips in there."

Harry chuckled. He dipped his finger in the batter and flicked some at her. It landed on her cheek.

Luna walked over to the sink and took the hose connected. Turning the water on full blast, she sprayed Harry in the face. He yelped, grabbing whipped cream and spraying it all over her.

She laughed. "Oh, you wanna play, Golden Boy?"

"Oh yes, m'lady!" Harry told her with a bow.

She threw cherries at him, one getting stuck behind his glasses. "Hey!" He ran towards her, lifted her up, and spun them both...

...only to slip in some whipped cream and fall to the floor. Now Luna was on top of him. "Hahahahahahah!" She teased.

He flipped them over and kissed her, getting up and running when she tried to tickle him.

They tiptoed around the house, giggling silently every-time they were close to getting caught. Eventually they made it outside where they chased each other around the yard, tackled one another, and laughed with the other. Eventually they became tired and stargazed. Luna falling asleep in Harry's arms, he too dozing off to the sound of her heartbeat.

This was where they were found the next morning by Ron who shook his head and called Neville, who just chuckled and hoisted Harry over his shoulder and followed Ron, who was carrying Luna in, trying not to hit her head on anything, and laid them down on a couch.

When Neville asked, "Ron, why are we leaving them in the open? Harry's only got his knickers on, and Luna doesn't have any pants on! I feel guilty even looking at them."

Ron shrugged. "The stairs are so...far." He laughed. "Besides. I wanna embarrass them a bit. Oh, look at that they're already cuddling. Let's go get some break-" he stood at the door of the kitchen paralyzed until Neville asked, "What?"

"Look at the kitchen! All that wasted food!"

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