St. Mungo's

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You should play the song To My Mom (above) while you read this. I feel like it really corresponds with the chapter. Hope you like it!

Ginny collapsed over the body and started sobbing. Neville ran forward and grabbed her in a hug while Hermione stared, tears streaming down her face. "I-I'll go call your d-dad Gi-Ginny."

Ginny nodded silently, still crying.

Hermione sent a Patronus to Arthur, who Apperated in instantly. "No! Molly!" He cried, running towards his daughter and wife.

Hermione took Neville's hand and they found and fixed the minor injuries before returning and saying, "Arthur, could, could St. Mungo's save—"

Arthur shook his head. "No. She's gone. She's gone. Is—is anybody else hurt?"

Hermione nodded. "Neville and I healed some minor injuries. Harry's in St. Mungo's. He was tortured pretty badly. Ron was too. He should be up there now."

Arthur nodded. "Ginny, go with them. Check on Harry and Ron. Check on George too. I'll alert the family of what's happened. We should be at Mungo's soon. Be safe."

Ginny nodded, hugged her father, and walked over to Neville and pulled him into a hug.

They grabbed Hermione, and Apparated to St. Mungo's.

Hermione ran straight to the front desk, Ginny and Neville trailing behind. "I'd like to see Harry Potter."

"I'm sorry ma'am. Mr. Potter will not be seeing any visitors right now. Family only." The lady said without looking ather.

"We are his family. Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom. Let. Us. In!" Hermione told her dangerously.

The lady looked up. "Oh! I'm so sorry, head on up to Floor Three, Room Six. It's a private room. Thank you for your service in--"

Hermione held up her hand to silence the lady before stalking off with the other two quickly behind. They soon found the room, and Hermione launched herself nto Ron's arms who gasped before hugging her back. "Mione, what's wrong?"

Ginny let go of Neville's hand and ran up to George, his arms naturally pulling het to his chest. "Who died?" He joked, but his grin faded when Ginny started crying again.

Ron's head snapped up. "Wait. Someone died! Who? Mione, Ginny?"

Hermione dried her eyes with her sleeve. "Ron, your mum, we found her body, your dad--"

"No!" Ron yelled, sitting down. Hermione sat with him. "I'm really sorry."


Neville left, saying, "Guys, I'm gonna call Luna she'd wanna know what happened with Harry."

  He took out the necklace with the mini Floo, or mini cellphone, Hermione had said, and whispered, "Luna Lovegood."

Luna's smiling face appeared. She looked to be in a jungle. "Neville? why are you calling?"

Neville sighed. "I know you can't come, but I thought you should know. Harry's in st. Mungo's"

Her face paled. "What? Why?"

"Well, we were at the Home at dinner, when we got a Patronus. There was an attack in Diagon Alley. By the Left Death Eaters. Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and I went, George and Ron were already there. Well, we went in separate directions. Harry saw Ron being tortured, he leapt in front, the Death Eater turned on him and he was tortured until he blacked out."

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