Slytherin Sisters

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"Hey Skye!" Joanne waved Skye over.
Skye walked over and sat. "Um, hey."

"Hi. I know we're not exactly friends, but you were alone--"


"You're quiet."

Skye nodded. "I like to keep another person's knowledge of me to a minimum."

"So, why don't you guys hang out? You did last year."

"Because Ellie's an ignoramus and I'm not."

"Oh. Can we be friends?"

Skye sighed. "I guess."
Ellie was walking down the corridor when she felt someone shove her, making her books fly out of her hands. "Hey!" she yelled as she fell.

She heard laughing and turned to see a group of four, Skye, and two other Slytherins.

"Oi! What's your problem!" Came an angry yell.

Lucas. Great.

He yelled until they left with eye-rolls and he turned to her. "Alright El?"

She sat up. "Yeah. Thanks."

He nodded and put her books in his bag, before grabbing her hand and grabbing her bride style.

"L-Lucas!" She yelped, going red. "What are you doing?"

He shrugged. "Your ankle. It's twisted. I'm taking you to Pomfrey."

Ellie rolled her eyes. "I am fine. Besides, I'm much too heavy!"

Lucas laughed. "No, actually, you're not. Lighter than Kelsey."

They stopped at the infirmary. "You can let me down now Lucas."

He shook his head stubbornly. "Yo, Madam Pomfrey! Gotta damsel in distress here."

Ellie huffed. "I'm not a damsel in distress you arse!"

Madam Pomfrey lifted her away from Lucas and helped her lie down on a cot. "Thank you, Mr. O'Malley."

"Honestly! It's just a twisted ankle!" Ellie complained.

Madam Pomfrey chuckled. "I understand Miss Dayton. However, I have a sleeping patient, so..."

Ellie nodded, spotting said patient. "Har-er, Professor Potter! What's he doing--"

Harry sat up. "There was a storm last night. Got myself another scar."

Madam Pomfrey tsked. "And passed out from pain. What did I say Potter?! Professor or not--"

Harry sighed. "I know, I know. But I feel fine."

"You always say that!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm alive, aren't I?" He rolled back over before the annoyed Madam Pomfrey could reply.

"I swear, that man!" She complained, then dismissed Ellie who immediately ran to the lake again.

"Ellie!" Lucas shouted, lifting and twirling her.

"Lucas! Put. Me. Down!"

"NEVERRRRR!" He yelled, chucking her into the lake.


Kelsey laughed. "Get him El!"

Ellie tackled him, and complained, her long hair dripping water on his face, "Really?! Now my clothes are soaked, my hair is gonna go back to normal, and I'm bloody freezing."

He blinked at her. "Want my jumper? And what do you mean normal?"

"Yes, and my hair's naturally curly. I just straighten it." Ellie replied, grabbing his jumper.

"Why do you straighten it?"

"Skye...Skye says I should. But you know what? I'm gonna leave it curly! And cut it off! She can't tell me what to do!"

Kelsey chuckled. "Ellie, I'm glad you're taking charge, but don't do anything drastic."

"Here, lemme braid your hair. It'll keep it out of your face." Lucas offered.

Ellie shrugged. "Sure. Thanks for the jumper by the way."

Lucas nodded. "I'm not getting that back, am I?"

"Nope!" Ellie agreed cheerfully.

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