Soccer and Announcements

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Harry and Luna arrived back at the Weasleys that afternoon, without Minerva.

"Harry, Luna! What took you so long?" Ginny asked, letting them into the kitchen, where Ron was snacking on an apple.

Luna smiled. "We lost track of time." She kissed his cheek, they were both grinning.

Ron watched them suspiciously. "Why are you so...giddy? Did you...y'know...?"

"No! Just talking to Kreacher...celebrating-" Harry laughed.

Arthur asked, confused, "What were you celebrating?"

Harry opened his mouth, then closed it. "I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you."

Luna changed the subject. "Professor McGonagall is at Hogwarts still. She said this year's only a make up year. We're all invited to go."

"Is she coming for dinner?" Molly asked.

"Not sure. I could Floo her?" Harry asked.

Bill shrugged. "Why not?"

Luna pulled Harry to the Floo, and grabbed a handful of powder. "Ready?"

Harry nodded and yelled, "Minerva McGonagall, Hogwarts!"

They could see her focused on paperwork. "Professor? It's Luna Lovegood and-"

Minerva jolted. "Oh goodness, you two! You nearly gave me a heartattack!"

"Sorry." Harry apologized. "Molly wanted to know if you're coming to dinner. Also, can I tell them what we discussed?"

Minerva smiled. "Of course you can. And yes, I'll come over. What time?"

"Uhhmm. One second. I'll check." Then she heard a muffled yell of, "Molly? Minerva wants to know what time dinner is! 6:30? Okay, thanks!" He turned back to her. "6:30. We'll wait until dinner to tell them. Also, is tonight a good time? There's an hour or so."

"I'd rather do it tomorrow around 10 o'clock, if that's okay?"

"Of course. I'll ask Kreacher to remind me. If that's all...?"

"I'll see you at 6:30."

They shut the Floo.

"Who's up for some soccer?" Harry asked.

"How do you play?" Ginny asked.

Harry grinned. "Come outside and I'll show you."

Hermione ran away, yelling, "Last one out is a rotten egg! Literally!"

They all raced out, Percy being last, so, as promised, Hermione transfigured him into a rotten egg and laid him on the shed. "Sorry Percy." She giggled.

"Okay," Harry called, "Hermione, you know how to play?"

She nodded. "Kinda I know the rules vaguely.
"So basically," Charlie summarized, "we have to split into two teams,"

"And then," Arthur continued, "one on each team guards the...goal?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, and the rest of the team has to work together to get this ball," he pointed to a circular rubber ball, which was black and white.

"to the other goal." Hermione carried on.

"Without touching eet." Fleur finished.

"Exactly!" Harry exclaimed. "So, let's split up."

"I'll be a captain, and Ginny's the other." Ron decided.

Ron chose first. "Alright, Harry."

"Hermione." Ginny smirked.

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