Evil Snake

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Skye was sitting at breakfast one morning when she finally got a letter back from her father.

Dear Skye
I must admit I was terribly surprised when I received your letter. The last I'd heard, you were staying with Potter at his little 'home'. Of course, if you merely thought to create confusion with your fellow mates, so as to seem innocent, I understand. I do wish you'd discussed it with me, I feel I could have helped.
  Nevertheless, I am proud. You may help my fellow believers, on one condition: you must never speak of this to anyone. Never. Distance yourself, subtly. Also, if you become close with Potter, you may be if even more use.
  I must end my letter here, but in the future, I hope you have the sense to disguise your plans to us. The Ministry seems to be quite fond in their search for those still loyal to the cause.

— Father

Skye smiled to herself. This might work.

She wondered what she could do to help.

Skye sighed and thought, 'Well, Father did say to get close to Professor Potter. I'll work on that. He won't know what's hit him...well, killed him, eventually.'
"Have a good weekend, everyone! Remember to practice the theory." Harry called, cleaning up after the days' lesson.

Skye took a breath and told her friends to go. "I'll catch up, Jo, just give me a minute."

She turned to Harry with an innocent expression. "Professor?"

Harry put his wand down. "Yes, Miss Dayson? Is everything alright?"

Skye nodded. "I guess, I just made a mistake and my sister hates me, and I don't know what to do. I'm having trouble sleeping, and my grades will surely slip!"

Harry told her to sit down and thought, 'Why do the students never go to their own Head?' "Well, Miss Dayson, you were cruel to her, and she was hurt. She may not forgive you."

Skye frowned. "B-but,"

Harry continued. "But, she may forgive you easily."

Skye pouted. "I thought you were gonna help."

Harry shrugged. "How can I help? I can't force her to forgive you."

"But what if she rejects me?!"

"You'll never know if you don't try, Miss Dayson. Anything else I can help you with?"

Skye stared at him. "Guess not. Anyway I can help you with something?"

Harry shook his head. "Nope. You could always study, your O.W.L.s are coming up."

"I'm in Fourth Year."

"You've got about a year. Now, I believe your friends are missing you at lunch?" Harry dismissed her.
Lucas sighed next to Ellie, whom he had an arm around. "Hey El, your sister's here."

Ellie looked around the library before seeing her sister. "Great. Come on, let's leave."

"Ellie, wait!" Skye whispered.

Lucas glared. "Where's your little group, Ice Queen?"

Skye ignored him. "Ellie, please just let me talk."

Ellie sighed and shifted her books into her other arm. "Speak, but make it quick."

Skye nodded, looking at Lucas nervously. "I'm sorry, I know I'm a terrible person. I'm the reason Slytherins get a bad rap, and I hate myself for it. Please forgive me."

Ellie sighed and felt herself melt at the sight of her disheveled sister. "Have you been sleeping? You look awful."

Skye shook her head. "I've been debating about apologizing. I hate it, you know that. Please?"

"Skye, I-"

Lucas interrupted. "No way is she forgiving you! You're an evil Slytherin."

Skye sighed and left, while Ellie turned to Lucas. "I'm a Slytherin, Lucas! Not all Slytherins are evil. Ever heard of Slughorn, Merlin?"

"But You-Know—"

"The other houses have produced evil people too."


"Peter Pettigrew. Professor Potter was almost a Slytherin and he's an amazing guy! Don't bother me until you've learnt that Slytherins are good people." She snapped.

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