75 - Demonyo (AU)

Start from the beginning

I looked down on my white gown and dusted it off considering that black dust has found its way to the bottom of it. While he's wearing all black, I'm in white. My dress is, as I've said, white with long, lace sleeves and stops at the bottom of my feet. So are my wings. We are opposites. Well, I think that's already given the fact that he's under the hands of the Dark Lord. Yet I can see kindness and innocence radiating off him. He's not meant to be in a place like that.

"Do you know how to get back to Heaven?" I questioned as I have forgotten how to.

"Don't you just fly all the way up?" He replied, giving me an irritated look.

"No, we don't. We don't go through the layers of the atmosphere. That may either burn us or keep us here forever."

"Then how should I know? I'm from hell, not Heaven."

"Close your eyes, newborn. Every child of the King knows it deep within."

I walked over to him and placed my hand on the side of his face. He did as he was told and a minute or so later, he turned his head to the sky and a mist came out of his lips as quickly as it came. He opened his eyes once again and looked at me.

"How come you don't know when you could probably do the same?" He asked.

"I never said I did not know my way, new born however, I can't fly, remember? My wings are still far too weak to make it back." I answered, shrugging.

It is true. Traveling from the Kingdom of Heaven to the Underworld will already cause it to tire out easily but the longer you stay the weaker you get. I did not know how long I was in there thus making it more difficult for me to know as to how long it would take for me to recover. Other than that, I wanted him to find out for himself. He needs to go back as well for his judgment is not yet done.

The sky slowly faded from its beautiful blue hue to a magnificent gradient of peach and violet. It would be far too difficult to travel back at this time. He sighed and placed a hand on my lower back to keep me steady as we walked.

"I guess we'll have to spend the night here in the forest. I'll bring you back as soon as the sun rises. This area of the human world is usually secluded at this time so no one could spot us." He explained.

"Why can't we travel at night?" I asked, not knowing the reason as I have never stayed out this late before. Whenever I am assigned to be a messenger, I usually get back a little before sunset.

"There are monsters, unearthly creatures created by the Lord of Darkness to kill angels like you. He has a grudge against your King and wants to eliminate the ones under Him as much as he could. With me around, they would know not to come anywhere near you as they know that I am assigned to accompany you and they are afraid of angering their master."

We came to a stop at an opening surrounded by thick layers of trees. He started a fire using his abilities and sat down on a fallen log, sighing as he finally was able to rest. I sat down beside him and let myself be engulfed by the welcoming warmth. It is nothing like the heat down in hell. I let out a sigh as well and sent a quick prayer up to Heaven for the blessings I have received today, even if I was taken as captive in hell for a little bit.

"What is it like?" He asked, breaking the silence between the two of us. "Up there."

"Other than everything being white and gold?"


"Well... In a nutshell, it us a place where one does not suffer. Nobody gets hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, sick, tired, stressed... It is a place where everybody is happy."

"Were you all humans once, like my kind?"

"Yes, we were."

"Do you have any memories of your past life?"

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