Chapter 1: Runaway

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Noel Damian Kardashian-West

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Noel Damian Kardashian-West


"Noel!" Kim, Noel's mom, yelled his name from somewhere in the house. "Yeah?" He answered from the studio of their house. He heard her making her way downstairs to where he was. Noel sat on the couch across from the sound board sifting through songs that he could possibly sample from. The pressure was on for his first album to be good. He was the step-son of Kanye West after all.

"Hey." Kim came down with Saint on her hip and camera crew behind her. "Hey mom." Noel smiled brightly. Many would say Noel's a mamas boy and he wouldn't deny it one bit. As soon as Saint heard his voice he reached for his big brother. "Hey bubba." He kissed his head as he grabbed him from his mom and positioned his laptop so he could sit comfortably.

"What's up?" He asked, looking at her expectantly after getting Saint situated. "Well I need you to watch Saint and North but also I came to see if you're going to New York with me and your dad." She asked. "Yeah I'll go. Are you guys going to shows?" He still sifted through songs as Saint babbled on his lap. "We were planning to but we wanted you to go with us too." She sat beside Noel brushing over his low cropped hair. "That's cool. I'll probably be in the studio too so just let me know which shows and I'll be there. And mom you don't have to ask me to watch North and Saint." He chuckled.

"I know I was just running it by you." She kissed his head and Saints head before standing. "I love you, North is napping so she'll be up in a few and Saint already had his." She said. "Love you too." He said with another blinding smile as she headed upstairs.

"Looks like it's just me and you little man." Noel cuddled Saint into him and continued to look for samples.


About an hour later North was up and cranky so the sample search had to wait. "North, what do you want to eat?" He asked the olive skinned 3 year old. "In and Out." She cheered happily. "In and Out it is." Noel smiled at his sister and helping her down from the counter so she could go get her shoes.

His phone buzzed in his pocket as he held Saint. On the screen appeared Jaden Smith's name and contact picture. "What's up Jay." He smiled into the phone putting a black beanie on Saints head as it was kind of chilly outside. "Coolin. I was seeing if you were in town and wanted to go to the studio." He said. "Yeah I'm home but do you mind coming here I have my brother and sister by myself today." He waited at the bottom of the stairs for North. "No problem. I'm on the way." He answered. "Cool. I'm headed to In and Out you want anything?" Noel caught him before he hung up. "Yeah get me a double double." Jaden said. "Alright. I'll see you when you get here." He hung up and put away his phone as North finally came down the stairs.

"Finally princess." He smiled at her before grabbing her hand and they were off to In and Out.


"So I have the hook but my verses are shaky as fuck." Jaden told Noel as he ate his burger. Noel nodded eating as well but also trying to find a channel for North to watch while they worked.

"We can work on that. I need to find a sample for a song I've had stuck in my head." Noel explained. Jaden nodded. "Long night then." Jaden answered getting on his phone. "Disney okay for you Norey?" He asked the toddler who nodded even though she was preoccupied with her food. He kissed her head before attending to Saint who was slowly eating fries from his food.

"No!" Saint patted Noel's face to get his attention after a few minutes of everyone eating. "Yeah buddy?" Noel gave Saint his full attention. "Juice!" Saint cheered. "How about a milkshake?" He offered him the straw to which he drink out of.

"I would kill for younger siblings man." Jaden expressed looking at the pair of brothers. Noel did nothing but smile. He adored his brother and sister like they were his own kids. "They're something special I'll tell you that." Noel said shyly. Jaden had finished his food and moved to the soundboard to set up his equipment.

"I love Willow but she's more of my best friend than my little sister." Jaden continued. "You actually get to see them grow up." He nodded towards the toddlers. "Anyway, I'm thinking of naming the song Icon so I'll just play you the hook for right now." He swiveled in the studio chair. Noel watched his siblings eat as he finished his food and made sure they were alright before pulling up another chair beside Jaden.

Jaden played his intro and first verse for Noel who bopped his head to the very different sound for Jaden. "So where do you see this song going? Are you gonna straight spit or you're heading in another direction?" Noel asked leaning back in his chair. "I started writing the first lines of the second verse but they sound shitty." Jaden answered. Noel nodded. "Get in the booth, we'll write as we go."

Noel looked back to see Saint nodding off so he grabbed him and placed him on his lap and handing North his earphones to continue watching TV uninterrupted. "Ready?" He asked Jaden through his mic. Jaden gave him a thumbs up situating the studio headphones on his head.


"Yo." Kanye walked into the studio. He and Kim had just gotten back and taken the kids to their respective rooms. "What's cookin today?" He asked sitting on the couch. "Jay finished his song and we're working on lyrics for mine. You want to hear?" Noel asked his father. He nodded with a smile prompting Jaden to play his finished product that needed to be mastered.

"You like it?" Jaden smiled. Kanye's face hadn't changed through the entire duration of the song. He stared for a long second before a smile broke out onto his face. "I love it. When is it releasing?" He crossed his arms. "In the next few weeks." Jaden smiled. Kanye nodded.

"What you got Noel?" Kanye nodded towards his son. "Ok. Don't get mad but I kinda went your route and sampled some soul." He cautioned his dad on what he was about to hear. Kanye nodded. "As long as it isn't bad." Kanye advised. Noel chuckled nodding his head and prepared to play the sampled track.

As his son played played the track his face was neutral. But as soon as the switch clicked he smiled wide. "Stop it!" Ye yelled over the music. "That shit is hot No!" He cheesed playfully punching his shoulder after the music stopped. "We're recording now! Do you have your lyrics yet?" He was excited. Noel nodded. "For the first part. I know this is the first song I want to release officially." Noel added. Kanye looked deep in thought after his son spoke.

"GOOD Music?" He raised his eyebrow after about 5 minutes. I nodded with a smile." He pulled Noel out of his chair and hugged him tight. Kanye kissed his head and patted his back. "We have to show your mom." He smiled. Noel smiled as Kanye went upstairs to get Kim. "He's right, it's hot No." Jaden said softly. Noel felt his cheeks heat up at Jadens compliment. "Thank you Jay."

"You're talented Noel. Keep it up you might reach your dads level one day. You have to pass me first but you know." Jaden joked with a smile. Noel rolled his eyes playfully smiling back at Jaden. "Thanks I guess." He chuckled.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" Jaden asked sitting back in his chair. Noel shook his head. "Just hanging out around here till next week." He answered. "Want to go to Disney Land? I know it's last minute but my parents are dragging us along and I need somebody to tag along with me." Jaden told rattled off. Noel nodded immediately wanting to hang out with Jaden more than just the studio and fashion shows. "Yeah I'll go. Just hit me up tomorrow." Noel said before turning back to the sound board as Kanye came back down with Kim.

"Ready No?" Kanye asked. "Yeah." He smiled standing up to let his dad sit down as well as Jaden standing up to hug Kim and letting her sit down. "Let's do it!" Kanye cheered as his wife giggled.


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