Chapter 1

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Ailurophobia is a type of specific phobia which means the persistent, irrational fear of cats. It was what Google had shown her when she searched for it. She had grimaced, scrunched her nose at the words that displayed on the screen while she wondered why someone would have phobia for cats. That explains the reason behind Michelle's unconsciousness when they had visited a friend in Ajah and had seen a cat at her place. Her seductive round eyebrow quirked to her thought. But cats are very cute and lovely creatures. She loved them. She used to have one until that incident years ago. That incident that revealed things and led to a lot of changes in her life.

She pressed her glossy lips together, made up eyes gazing ahead as she drove through third mainland bridge. The morning sun had risen long ago, blessed the earth and city of Lagos with its warm rays as another busy week began. She groaned, realising she won't be getting to her destination the next five minutes after she had a quick glance at her gold wrist watch. Her mother had warned her the night before that she should retire to bed early but the late night show she was watching with her siblings had deprived her of sleep. It had not just affected her but affected everyone since they had work and school to be at except Tenny and Kenny.

The ringing tone of her phone tore through the silence of her car, her new Range Rover Sports, a present from her father as a birthday gift when she clocked twenty-four the previous month. She stole a glance at the iPhone on the passenger's seat then looked back at the road trying to turn deaf ears to the sound that did nothing but caused agitation in her. Just few more minutes and she would be there. She took her bottom lip in between her pearly white teeth. The little hope she had was crushed to nothing when she sighted the traffic jam ahead.

"No" she whispered like a silent prayer under her breath. A little cry of frustration left her painted lips. It was too early for such thing not when she had a photo session to carry out. Her client will be displeased. It was a shoot that had been set for nine in the morning but the time on her dashboard blinked eighteen minutes past nine.

Sukanmi could begin the shoot. He was her assistant photographer and also as good as she was. Her palms grew sweaty over the steering as she stepped the brake to reduce her speed. She reached for her phone. Sukanmi's call came in again. She picked.

"Yes, Sukanmi?" she requested with that authoritative tone, hiding the nervousness in her voice.

"Ma" he called, his deep voice was nothing but a whisper that was audible enough for her to hear. "Em...Em..." He stammered as if thinking about how to put down the message to prevent her anger. "Where are you? Kanayo is pissed"

Kanayo, the designer she had always dreamed to work with, one of the best in Lagos and in Nigeria. The one time she was opportune to work with him, she was about to ruin it. She shut her eyes preparing herself for a big disappointment. That shoot she should be leading will grant her so much money than she can imagine.

"I am on my way"

"Really? I meant OK" He corrected immediately. She opened her eyes to see cars moving at a very slow speed. Despite the air conditioner that blew at full blast, little sheen of sweat rested on her forehead and at the tip of her defined nose. "I will inform him"

And when he inform Kanayo, what will happen? He will be angry. She can't afford to make him angrier. She pressed the accelerator as gently as she could.

"Oh my God, what's happening now?" She whispered inaudibly under her breath, a hand raking through her sleek curls. "Is everyone at the set?"

"Yes ma, the team is here except you, the head photographer" She bit her lower lip out of frustration.

"I don't think I will be there in an hour because I am stuck in a gridlock. Conduct the shoot, Sukanmi. Adesua can be your assistant" she referred to an apprentice. "That should be better"

"Are you sure about this, ma?"

"Yes and I know you will do a perfect job" she felt the heavy weight on her chest and shoulders lift away. "I might get there sooner than we expect" a little smile formed on her lips. She felt better knowing she had found a solution.

"OK ma" Sukanmi ended the call.

She exhaled hard. "This is all your fault Lola" she whispered.

The next thirty minutes, she had barely moved from the place she was. The traffic jam became a standstill. The silence was too eerie and she had switched on the radio to listen to anything. Every driver was struggling to get into the lane that was in motion. The danfo drivers were so annoying, causing arguments and throwing insulting words in Yoruba and pigin English she barely understood. The same drivers caused more confusion on the road getting into lanes the wrong time until the bus is slanted on the road in the process of entering another lane. From time to time, they argued with other motorists. To an extent, she disliked Lagos life. It was hard adapting to it when she arrived from California two years ago. She tried her best, manoeuvring into lanes. Blaring honks from cars filled the busy morning air. Vendors walked in between vehicles to sell for the day, the sun growing hotter every few minutes.

The past few days since harmattan had gone, there had been very hot days and the continuous need to drink water. Her throat felt dry. She had reached for the chilled bottle water in her bag when she felt the car lurch forward. The force drove her forward, instigating her to slam her head slightly against the steering but that was the least of everything. What she could think about was the crash she had heard from behind. She sat frozen in her seat praying silently it was not what she thought about. She proceeded to remove her seat belt when the car jolted forward again.

"Ye! Ye! Mo gbe!" She bellowed as she juddered along with the car. Her car had nearly crashed into the car in front of her but she was quick to slam the brake. A horrified look marred her face. This could not be what she was thinking. She hopped out of her car waiting to see what had happened. God help the person if it was what she had thought had happened.

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