Chapter 36 - I'm Here

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Sorry again for not updating guys 😣 school is being an asshole so that equals to A SHIT TON OF WORK 😭😭

I managed to write this long as chapter for you guys but I have a feeling that there's a lot of mistakes with my spelling and grammar in this one 😶

Sorry if this isn't the best fight! I was trying to write a decent one 😅

I'll try to update more on April guys 😀 enjoy this chapter!

The scene was absolutely horrifying.

The ash blonde boy covered almost entirely in blood. At least, I think it isn't all of his own.

You could tell he was struggling to stand on his own, and his Bracers were just weighing him more down. He coughed up more blood before panting for air. Blood dripped down from every part of his body that was visible.

Head, mouth, arms.

His hero costume was tore from various places, and you could indicate that he used one of his Grenadier Bracers already.

He would most definitely not make it own his own, and the Nomu wasn't even close to the amount of damage and exhaustion Katsuki has. He was tired right now but it was obvious that he could strike whenever he wants. And it was right now.

I wasn't sure how many times that beast hurt Katsuki to the point he is right now, but this was going to be his last.

Sprinting from where I kept myself safe, watching the scene, I finally dashed towards the running monster before leaping into the air until I was close enough to slice through his upper back. Which resulted in the most irritating scream of pain, before I landed right in front of Katsuki.

Of course, my strike would do no damage at all. Just slowing down the monster a bit.

"100 Blade??!!" Katsuki shouted in shock but my mind was immediately on the fact that he called me by my actual hero name.

"..Hey." Was the only response I had as a glanced back at him for only a second before analyzing the Nomu's movement. It was getting up from the ground.

"You--What the hell are you doing here??!!"

"What does it look like I'm doing?! I'm helping you fight this thing! You can't do it by yourself so let me help. And I won't be taking 'no' for an answer." I responded in a serious tone.

"..Arg! You're ruining my plan, Shit Blade! I don't wanna say it but you're going to die for sure. If I'm in this situation then what makes you think you can win right now??"

"Who said I'm doing this by myself? You're helping me, Katsuki. I can't win by myself. And I know you're in bad shape and the most stupid and idiotic thing anyone would say to just seem heroic is that 'I'll defeat the monster by myself', but, no! We're going to do it together so hurry up and come over here. He's about to make a move." I replied in a focused tone.

Katsuki said nothing back to me yet, but all I could hear was his slow footsteps coming towards my direction until he was standing beside me.

I glance to the left side and see him wiping his bruised, bloody eye.

I gulped, knowing that this Nomu is going to be the last of us, but, I'll rather die to try to save someone.

"Ready?" I said.

"Ha. What have I been doing this entire fucking time? Also, do you even have a plan yourself?"

"No. But I'll plan...soon." I shrugged and Katsuki rolled his eyes.

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