Chapter 43 - Sensation

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R.I.P. Titanic T^T Will never forget.

Sad stuff aside...I need more Bakugou soon in the manga otherwise I'll lose it!! 😅 Who agrees??

I was able to finally slow down after dashing through and out the hospital with nurses trying to catch up with me. Lucky for me, I had the higher advantage.

I think I had passed a couple of blocks of houses before I was able to finally steady my speed. Honestly, I had lost them several minutes ago. The reason I didn't want to stop was that I wanted to go to the graveyard as quickly as possible.

And then, I had finally made it. I let myself stop at the entrance, letting several pants emit from my lips. They were heavier than usual but it's properly because of my medical conditions.

I knew this was the right graveyard because this is where many people from OCQ has been buried under.

I slowly roll the wheels on the new patch of ground. I'm much sturdy now and it's harder to move since it was grass.

I gradually pass the many stone heads, trying not to freak myself out as I've never been inside a graveyard before. And the thought of me rolling pass so many dead people left shivers down my spine.

Now..I just got to find where they're burying Titanic, and that's when my hope and savior suddenly appeared before me.

"Uraraka!" I shout out her name when she made the final step from climbing up a hill.

At first, she looked at me with great shock as I rolled myself towards her.

"1-100 Blade?? What are you doing here?" She softly asks me as I halt in front of her and look up towards her face.

"I came to see Titanic," I straightforwardly said.

"Oh, of course." Uraraka finally sniffs before wiping her nose. Her eyes are red, so obvious that she must have been crying.

I gulp a little, nervous to ask what I'm about to ask, as I say, "Do you remember her last words?"

Uraraka nods slowly. "She said, "All I ever wanted to do was to rescue you one day."."

"..Did she?" I ask, with a bit of joy in my tone to lighten up the situation.

"Yeah...I guess she did." Uraraka said in an almost disappointing tone.

I glanced from side to side before finally saying something to continue this awkward conversation.

"You know, she always talked about you. She really liked you, Uraraka and I'm sure she died feeling the most accomplished since she was able to fulfill her wishes. least one of her wishes.." I mumble my last sentence.

"..Thanks, 100 Blade. I might not feel any better but just anything good about her puts some light on the situation. Oh! You should go quickly if you want to see her. The ships are leaving soon." Uraraka said as she pointed towards the direction.

I blinked once in utter shock. My face shook a little from hearing what she just said.

"Ships?? What ships??"

"I'm not sure. They're taking her body somewhere. Probably something to do with her parents. Maybe taking her away somewhere they wanted." Uraraka suggested.

"...But she doesn't have any parents.." I mumble those horrifying words, as I looked down at my lap.

"What?" Uraraka confusedly asks.

"I'm-I'm sorry! I gotta go now!" I instantly burst out before aggressively running the wheels through the grass until I was reaching closer to the hill.

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