Personal Data #2

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Name: Unknown

Hero name: Blue Flame

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Organization of Curing Quirks (OCQ)

Hair colour: Medium blue

Eye colour: Golden

Birthday: 26/11

Height: 185cm

Blood type: O

Place of origin: Found on the streets of Tokyo

Fighting style: Close and far quarters

Power: 5/5

Speed: 3/5

Technique: 4/5

Intelligence: 2/5

Cooperativeness: 2/5


Noticeable aspects to be seen from Blue Flame:

● Blue Flame's red, scaly skin.

● Blue Flame's large dragon wings.

● Blue Flame's sharp teeth.

● Blue Flame's sharp claws.

● Blue Flame's tail which is cut in half.

● Almost every aspects of a dragon except for the figure of a human.




● Blue Flame is able to produce fire inside his abdomen and lungs which is then flamed out through his mouth. Just like a dragon.

● The only flame he is able to produce are blue flames, which is the most hottest part of a fire/flame and this gives him a much stronger attack to work it.

● He is able to change the forms of his fire/flame. Such as, fireballs, flares, flame bombs, exploding flame shots (follows the opponents until reaches a certain distance before exploding) and misty flames (a mist which when comes in contact with fire and spark, the mist explodes).

● He also uses his active wings to fly above his opponents to attack from above.

● He is a rare specimen and the next generation is in need of a hero like him.


● For using his quirk for a long period of time and using exclusive amount of his flame/fire, he will run out of it and will need to wait until his flames generate back which takes about 7-10 minutes, until he is able to go into battle again.

● If he does lose his flame, he can use his strength for combat fighting which is a big advantage.

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