Personal Data #6

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Name: MeMe

Hero name: MeMe

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Organization of Curing Quirks (OCQ)

Hair colour: Cotton-candy pink

Eye colour: Medium pink

Birthday: 2/4

Height: 163cm

Blood type: AB

Place of origin: Unknown but most likely Japan

Fighting style: Less action

Power: 3/5

Speed: 1/5

Technique: 4/5

Intelligence: 3/5

Cooperativeness: 1/5


Noticeable aspects to be seen from MeMe:

● MeMe's permanent grin.

● Large pink eyes.

● Under-eye bags.

● Always looking mischievous.

● MeMe's constant mood swings.




● A single glance into MeMe's eyes will lead her opponent(s) to become hypnotised by her.

● Though, she is not controlling the opponent's actions, she is only controlling their emotions.

● The emotions varies on what MeMe is feeling and they are then transferred into the opponent's mind, as they start to experience her emotions which are extremely extreme and dangerous.

● Her main emotion is excitement. When she transfers the excitement emotion into her opponent(s), they are able to die from experiencing too much of this emotion or any of MeMe's other emotions.

● The opponent will have a physical reaction to her emotions for example, if the emotion is excitement, they will start laughing or doing actions that involve an excited person though, MeMe is not controlling their actions.

● MeMe is also able to make her opponent(s) have multiple emotions at the same time.

● MeMe can end this torture whenever she desires.

● Her eye colour does change depending on the emotions she is using on her opponent(s).


● Her quirk carries on for a long period of time, so it takes her opponent(s) some time (estimated about 10-15 minutes) before the emotions takes the best of them and they come to an end.

● The opponent(s) can escape from her hypnosis if another person is able to talk them out of it. (Though, MeMe attempts to keep her opponent under her concentration.)

● Meme is physically weak but mentally strong.

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