Chapter 33 - Follow Me

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It was the same entire routine throughout the first week, and we weren't expecting it to ever change nor stop.

Wake up early at 5:30 AM in the morning, go to ground level 34 (at least for Katsuki and me), train nonstop until 8:30 PM at night, go the shower rooms and be washed by the old ladies, before going straight to bed.

Wake up early, go to ground level 34, train, shower by old ladies, bed.

Wake up, train, shower, bed.

Wake up, train, shower, bed.

Wake up, train, shower bed.

WaKe uP, TrAiN, sHoWeR, BeD.



A bucket of cold water gets dumped on me again. But since I've gotten so used to the freezing temperature by now, it doesn't affect me anymore.

I just stood there, naked and emotionless from all the stress and lack of energy from the first week of training.

I have completely drained out already. And I feel like I can kind off say the same for Katsuki as well, as he shared the exact same state as me right now.

"All done! Get yourself dried and go to bed," One of the old ladies said as they walked out the showering rooms, along with the old men as well. Leaving Katsuki and me to just stay there in silence.

Not moving an inch for several seconds, before I grabbed the towel that hung next to me and wrapped it around my soaking wet body.

I mumbled, ".....I want to leave--"

"Shut up,"

. . . .

I just walked out.


It was just another typical day.

I woke up, trained, and now I was ready to take another boring shower and then go to bed until I was suddenly stopped.

"100 Blade!" I heard a male voice call my name, and as I turned towards the voice, and it was just another trainer that worked in this facility.

"Best Jeanist called you, and the rest of his team to meet up with him outside the main building." The man said.

I blinked once in confusion. Not exactly sure why after this week of not showing up once to any of our training, he would call us. But I, of course, headed towards the main building instead of the showering rooms this time.

And as I arrived, I saw that the entire team was already there, including Katsuki, and I was the last to join. I squeezed into a gap.

"Now that we're all here," Best Jeanist starts off, "Well, there's no other way of saying this but the hot spring is open right now for all trainees, training here."

Everyone's eyes lit up and loud muttering spread around.

"So, enjoy yourselves for tonight but get ready for tomorrow as training will not stop." Best Jeanist finishes and every older men here started racing back into the main building to get themselves prepared, as Katsuki uninterestedly followed inside and I pursued him.

It was no plain shock that taking a nice, hot steamy dip would interest Katsuki in any way after all the exhausting training we did this week.

As I entered the women's hot spring, I got changed into a typical white towel that wrapped around my fully naked body before I walked in, into the actual hot spring.

Neutral || Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang