Chapter 7 - Beach, each

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I feel like this chapter might have some spelling mistakes or misplacement of words...? I don't know!

But if you find any then please do tell me :) Enjoy!

Once we've arrived and exited out the bus, a clear view of a beach was presented to us.

I could hear the chattering of how excited everyone was to go to the beach but I honestly would rather not join.

We all continued to follow the teachers whilst getting a chance to figure out the different areas of this camp. We soon arrived at what looked like to be two large cabins outside the Wilderness.

"Okay, guys! The boy's cabin is on the left, and the girls are on the right. Get yourself sorted out and just enjoy today because tomorrow is when we all start the training." Ivy announced and we all head to our cabins.

The boys went to their cabin and the girls went to theirs.

There was an awkward moment of all of us just placing out luggage down on the floor then just observing the inside of the cabin, quietly.

"Sooo, guys. How should we pick who gets which bed?" I girl spoke out which got everyone's attention as I searched for the voice to land on a girl with short brown hair.

"I really don't care to be honest," Titanic spoke out first.

"Well...there are two sides to this room, the left, and the right. Do we sort this out by classes? Or..?"

"I think we should pair up with someone from the different class and see how that goes. It's always good to make some new friends." A girl with black, tied up hair spoke this time.

"How about we get to know each other first? Ribbit."

"That's a great idea, Tsuyu! What do you guys think?" The black haired girl spoke again.

All the girls from OCQ looked at each other before eventually nodding and agreeing to this idea.

An hour has passed and we all got to know each other a bit more than we did before.

Everyone soon started choosing a partner to who will sleep on which side along with them.

The girl with the short brown hair ended up picking me who I now know her as, Ochaco Uraraka.

I started to go through my luggage and sort away my clothes and everything into the draws and wardrobe they had installed here until I suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey! 100 Blade. Can't you really tell me your real name?" It was Uraraka.

"Unfortunately, no. If you want to figure out a nickname for my hero name, then I don't mind you calling me by t." I suggested.

"Aww. Why is it so secretive?"

"I fully don't understand it either but, if I do end being called by my name in public, someone who shouldn't know might end up knowing and that could be bad."

"Like who?" Uraraka asked.

"I don't know. Who knows."


There was a moment of silence between us as she continued to observe my actions until I decided to break the silence and ask her something I've been wanting to know for a while.

"Hey, Uraraka."

"Yeah, 100 Blade?"

"You know that guy, Katsuki Bakugou?"

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