Chapter 5 - Reunited

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After spending about one more hour in the hospital, I was finally able to depart back to OCQ.

Katsuki and I didn't quite have an emotional parting, we didn't even say our goodbyes but I didn't expect to see him again anyway.

As I was being escorted back to OCQ before entering inside the hallway which leads to all the individual rooms containing all the students of OCQ.

As I made my way towards my door, I was suddenly halted by a tall, dark but devilish figure standing in front of me.

"Did you have fun?" It was Blue Flame, as he spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Best day of my life," I replied back in the same tone.

"I bet you're living in the best moment of your life, huh? While the rest of us had to fucking retreat back and end our first outing in a very long time just because of you." Blue Flame made his point.

I simply replied with, "Sucks to be you then,"

Blue Flame clenches his face before eventually saying, "...I'm sure you were just useless in fighting that Noumu." Before he left the scene and entered his room as he slammed the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes before resuming back to walk towards my room again until I was stopped for the second time.

"Hey," A quiet voice called out for me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I heard you fought a Noumu??" She spoke again in a very panting and squeaking tone.


"So now you know how it's like to fight one of those first hand, huh?"


"I'm soooooooo jealous." Honestly, this girl scares the crap out of me.

"Me-Me, you should try to rest," I suggested so this conversation would just end.

"Hehe. I know I always make you uncomfortable but, you just gotta accept that this is how I naturally am." Me-Me states.

"I try my best," I replied.

"Alright. Seeeee ya' around."

Man, she sounds like how a talking snake would speak.

I sighed in both, relief and just exhaustion from this entire day.

As I was about to reach my room and touch the door handle to enter, the announcer/speaker comes on.

Announcer: "All students please make your way to class immediately. I repeat, all students make your way to class immediately."

The announcer ends and I sigh before falling my head back in defeat.

I watch as all the students start exiting out their rooms and make their way to our classroom. I just shrug it off before joining the small crowd of people.


"Now, I know today was a very big loss since none of you were able to receive any privilege points from today's event, and, I am willing to take all blame for it but! I do have some exciting news if..any of you guys understand the definition of exciting."

Ivy-sensei speaks to the class as we all sit there in silence and wait for this so-called, exciting news.

"We were able to program another outing in 4 days!" Ivy announces and this caught the attention of everyone in the class, including myself as everyone starts to mumble to one another.

"And that's not the best part. The outing is going to be at a far away camp! So every single one of you will be taking your first trip. How exciting, huh!?"

I noticed some faces brighten up with excitement. It already feels like I'm here at the camp since it's only 4 days away. I am definitely excited for this outing unlike any other.

"Oh, and news just keeps getting better. Here's another thing, everyone! Not only will everyone be going on their first trip to a camp where we will be staying for a week! And you guys will be able to choose some new outfits to wear, in our clothes section here with newly delivered swimsuits and everything! You'll also be joining this camping trip with the students from 1A class!!"

. . . . Silence.



"Do we reeeealllly have to go with them, Ivy-sensei?"

"Yes, Me-Me. We have the week already planned out and the students from 1A class will become very useful for everyone here. Also, you will be getting extra privilege points than usual." Ivy explains.

Everyone starts to groan as the atmosphere becomes drowsy and Ivy-sensei was once again the only excited person in this room.


The students from 1A class and the students from the OCQ are standing face-to-face, keeping a certain distance away from each other as we all wait for the bus to arrive.

I notice that everyone, even including us are wearing casual clothing which is a rare occasion for us students.

We can hear the students from 1A mumbling to one another, probably about us, while the students from OCQ are also mumbling with one another, possibly about them.

No one from our class is interacting with the students from 1A, but I wasn't even interacting with anyone, anyways.

I observe around the area we're in until I suddenly notice a familiar figure standing away from everyone, even his own class.

His hair really sticks out and he seemed to be angry about something.

Honestly, I'm starting to believe that, that's his natural state.

I slowly began to approach him until I was just standing a few inches away from his back before I lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Huh?" He instantly turned around until he noticed my presence around him as I attempted to come off friendly.

"Hey, it's me. Exciting, isn't it? It's actually my first time going camping and I heard that our classes might battle each other for some training practice. Aren't you excited?" I started with a smooth conversation.

There was a moment of awkward silence between when I finished talking and he didn't reply.

I was confused for a moment to the reason why he wasn't replying until he finally spoke, saying,

"...Who the hell are you again?"

. . . .

"Are you serious!?! It hasn't even been a week and you've already forgotten who I am??!"

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