Chapter 14 - Hatred

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My face buried into the pillow as I let all my frustration out whilst kicking the mattress repeatedly.

"I'm such an idiot..!!" I screamed into my pillow as my nails dug in deeper into the pillow's foam.

"No shit!" I hear Blue Flame yell from outside of my room as a vein popped up on my forehead.

"Get lost!!" I rose my head from the pillow and shouted back and soon heard multiple footsteps running away.

I sighed before pushing my face against the pillow again.

Why the hell did I say that last night?

'Ha. Like I said before, I never needed your fucking help.' I regretted ever saying that single sentence again.

What is wrong with me? Of course, I couldn't get out of here if it wasn't for his help.

I owe him an apology. 2 weeks of staying away from this hell-place were the best 2 weeks of my life, and I owe it all to Katsuki.

Never again am I going to say such idiotic thing to him. I deserved that blast of explosion on my face, though, it really hurt afterward and required a lot of intense washing with some cold water.

But..that thing he said to me last night.

'That fucking look on your face!! I hate the fuck out of it!!' That look? When I was blown away from what just happened?

When I couldn't help but be in shock from that blast and just unintentionally focus on those crimson red eyes. It felt so..queer. Like I was so eager to pass through his fingers that were blocking my view and just find and stare at those rubies.

I feel like there is something wrong with me.

I sigh once again and lay on my back. I had classes shortly so I should forget about what happened last night and concentrate on my training instead.


After the lessons today I headed back to my room and waited to be escorted out of this place again.

I waited for 30 minutes at first, then an hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 5 hours, and so on.

He wasn't coming. I should've known earlier.

And now it was the next day. I performed my daily routine before waiting once again for his arrival.

It was exactly the same as yesterday. 30 minutes, then an hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 5 hours and so on.

Is he really that mad that he's not coming today either?

I looked down at the wooden floor and realized how bad I've messed up. Maybe I should give it a few more days and he might start coming back again.


2 weeks have passed and no sign of him.

Maybe this was it. The last time I'll ever be able to get out from this prison cell.

What have I done? I was living such a happy life weeks ago and because I took such advantage of it, it's all gone now.

The regret was flooding everywhere in me and this room.

I want that happiness back and not only that, but I actually enjoyed spending time with Katsuki.

Tomorrow is my last chance.

Ivy-sensei said that we're going on another expedition with Class 1A. This could be my only opportunity to apologize to Katsuki and make things right again.

I just hope I can talk some sense into him like he did for me.


OCQ caught a separate bus to Class 1A and it was planned prior to this trip to meet up in this location separately.

As we arrive and started exiting out the bus, I noticed that all of the Class 1A students were already here.

Everyone was so excited to meet each other again and that lifted a smile on my face. It was nice to see that the OCQ students have the potential to make friends.

My (e/c) orbs circles around the area and the place seems to be some hi-tech location. It gives me some city and megalopolis vibes in the atmosphere.

As my eyes continue to circle around, it eventually lands on a very well-known figure.

It was Katsuki of course.

I gulp as I prepared myself to approach him and apologize for what happened 2 weeks ago.

I still can't get that moment out of my head as I was so stupid and unaware of myself back then.

I gradually start to approach him as he hasn't caught my presence yet.

I feel like he knows I'm coming and he's intentionally trying to ignore me.

I was only a meter away from him and he still hasn't even laid an eye on me. Now I was for sure that he really is ignoring me.

I sigh quietly as I started to feel nervous, before finally speaking up to get his attention.

"Hey, Katsuki.. I wanted to apologize for what happened that night 2 weeks ago. I was really an idiot and I didn't know what I was saying and..I can't believe I'm saying this but, you were completely right about everything that night."

I attempted to slide in some light humor into that but it didn't give Katsuki the slightest reaction at all.

He continued to stare off into the distance like he never heard me.

I was a bit confused. Is it really necessary to keep ignoring me?

"So, what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry." I apologized as straightforwardly as I could.

I looked up at him and still, no reaction.

Wow, is he really that mad that he won't accept my apology?

I attempt to get his attention one last time, "Uhm, Katsuki I'm--"

"Shut the hell up."

My eyes widen at the sudden affront. I blinked a few times but I was still speechless.

"I don't give a shit about your apology. And stay the hell away from me and don't fucking talk to me ever again unless you really want to die."

His voice was so serious, and every single word that was applied to me hit my chest over and over again.

My heart skipped a beat as I couldn't comprehend what he was saying or why he would say that.

I was still speechless and I had no absolute response to that. I was just awkwardly staring at him with continuous shock before he eventually walked away from where we were standing. Not saying another thing to me.

Is this actually happening? Does he, really hate me to the point where he wishes to never see me again?

I never knew how it felt to be hated on that much, and how direct and honest it was.

I felt my heart pounding again as the rate was much faster than normal.

I looked down at my chest and placed a hand against right above my bust as I felt every beat.

I was feeling something different, something warm and strange inside. But then I realize that..this feeling has now been destroyed because of me.

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