Chapter 50 - The Mission

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After the call, it wasn't shocking that Best Jeanist had called the Bakugou's household to speak with Katsuki. Of course, not knowing I was also there, it made it more efficient for him to tell the both of us to quickly come down to OCQ headquarters.

Katsuki and I rushed down immediately as we caught a bus and a train back down to our main city--home of the heroes.

As we entered OCQ from their front entrance, the security guards instantly recognized us and escorted us to the headquarters which, I wasn't even sure where they were located.

Logically enough, the headquarters were on the highest level of OCQ.

As the large doors of what I assumed were the offices, were pushed open--we were presented by many recognizable and unrecognizable heroes. Everyone was sitting around a large, circular table, and I certainly realized that a lot of these heroes were from overseas.

Someone whom I did immediately recognize was Uraraka and Electric. I was shocked at first to see them here but they shared no difference to my expression either.

"Is that everyone?" One of the heroes asks whom I assumed, was the leader or instructor for whatever this was.

I finally noticed Best Jeanist when he suddenly appeared in front of me. "Bakugou, 100 Blade, take a seat, please."

I nod to Best Jeanist request as we pursued him to two reserved seats beside our pro hero.

"Yes, that is everyone." The man who seemed like he was in his 50s spoke in a low tone. He was visibly blading with only a few white hairs left.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to OCQ, especially to the ones that have yet to visit my organization."

Ah, so that's our leader.

"Let's get to the point here, old man." Suddenly, a hero jolts out of his seat. "What the hell is going on here?? You've already told some of us that you aren't part of this kidnapping but how are we supposed to believe that? You should've known about it before anyone else here!"

"Let me explain, please. Miss Ivy," I was shocked when the old man called out my teacher's name as my eyes instantly darted towards her direction when she was getting up from her seat. I didn't even notice that she was here in the first place.

"Thank you, sir. I would like to start off by saying that, no one here in OCQ, including my students, the guards, the co-workers, were part of this kidnapping. We might have a bad history placed on us, but what has occurred was never in any of our intentions. Our physicians and psychotherapists here betrayed us and we were foolish enough to trust them in the first place. They previously worked for other organizations and were specialized in what we are running where for our children. To aid them, and discover what their quirks are capable of before them themselves knew first. We put our trust into them for a great deal of money and we were betrayed."

"And how did you not have the slightest clue about their plan?" A hero asks.

"But we did. You see, after the horrible death of one of my students, she was supposed to be taken away as research. We were hoping she would live long enough to give us permission to use her body on major important things, but she wasn't. I...I let it happen and without her permission, I let them take her away anyways to do what we agreed on in order for us to learn and understand why there is this population of children who cannot control their quirk. At least, that's what we all thought they would be doing. As recently, we've discovered that the bodies that are being taken away were to create monsters. Kinda like the Nomu, but they were using multiple people like my student to create something that couldn't even listen to instructions."

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