Chapter 27 - Another Win

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Okay so quickly, I did something in this chapter which has never been done before (i think) so don't attack me with anything because I do have an outcome for it.

You'll see what it is when you reach the end. Enjoy!

Just like a stampede of Wildebeest, the villains charged at me without any plan nor decisions. Thus making this much easier for me to handle.

Villains charging at me one at a time as I charged back, my palm blades extended out as I strike every villain who came at me.

Cutting through their stomachs or aiming for their back, as I would jump into the air and land onto their back before extending out my foot blades to impale into their back which also gave me an instant push to go further.

After passing through most of the villains, I was left with two more to fight off who seemed to be the largest out of all the other villains. But that didn't make any difference.

Without hesitation, I sprinted towards them for an instant strike. One of them tried to send a punch to my stomach but I was too quick and jumped into the air.

I was high enough to do a somersault in the air that gave me more speed when I was returning back to the ground, before cutting through one of their backs and then the other immediately.

I was now standing at the edge of the building, panting slightly as I looked down at my palm blades.

They were drenched in blood as they continuously dripped down in front of my feet.

I looked back at my accomplishment and saw the villains struggling to move around and groaning in pain.

My attacks were good enough to not potentially kill them, but injure them badly so that the police are able to take them in for questioning.

I then suddenly hear a buzzing sound and vibration coming from my hero costume.

When I looked down I saw a small device on my chest that was buzzing.

It was the little phone-like gadget made to keep in contact with our pro hero. So I knew who I was expecting the call from.

I pressed the only button and instantly, a voice emitted out from the speaker.

"100 Blade??" It was Best Jeanist of course.

"I'm here," I assured him as he sounded worried.

"Where are you?" He asked and I looked around the area before I was a street sign.

"I'm in Rosemary Street. I just fought with some villains and took them all down. They're here with me right now and I need someone to come here and take them immediately."

"Oh, thank god you're alright. I'll be sending them right away. Where's Bakugou??"

I blinked twice, almost forgetting about him as I quickly ran towards the other side of the building to see Katsuki from afar, blasting large flames of explosions like a maniac. How does he still have it in him??

"Best Jeanist, he's in critical conditions. He's fighting this guy who's quirk is..very weird. When he grabbed Katsuki's arm it started to crumbled apart and his flesh started to show." I bit down on my lower lip as I watched Katsuki fight.

"It's him..."

"It's who??" I asked.

"100 Blade, stay away from him and we will be there right now. He's dangerous and has no qualms about killing anyone that get's in his way."

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