Chapter 21 - Stepping Stones

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The training trip soon ended with both classes saying their goodbyes as we were expected to catch separate buses.

I wanted to say goodbye to Katsuki after talking with Uraraka and the other girls in our little huddle, retreating from the group after our chattering was finished.

I approached Katsuki who was standing far away from the other huddle of boys, seeming very impatient to leave.

I was standing behind him before I gave his shoulder a small tap to get his attention. He narrowed his eyes down at me before slightly rotating his body around towards my direction.

"What?" He asked in a rough tone.

A confidence smile plastered across my face as I let his word linger for a few seconds, before saying, "Next time you see me, I'm going to be stronger than ever. And I'll prove it to you."

"Ha, next time you see me, I'll already be working with a hero. So you have a long way to go, shit Blade."

"..That might be true, but you'll see one day that I will catch up no matter what." I proclaimed.

"Heh, whatever," He slides in hands into his front pockets before continuing. "But you'll see that when you do, I will already be much stronger than you."

"We'll see," Was the last thing I said before we both made our separate departures.


The following month was intense training throughout the whole way, nonstop until my body ached to the core.

I never contacted Katsuki after that day as now that the entire OCQ knows about my confession, preventing me to ever step outside the hospital for any guest.

I wasn't fully upset because now I had goals to achieve which began with indoor training and hopefully, that will make a stepping stone to something bigger and better.

Currently, another class lesson was about to start as we all waited for Ivy-sensei to make her appearance.

It didn't take long until she finally showed up in her usual attire, ready to start today's lesson.

As she approached her desk in front of the entire class, it seemed like she was getting ready to say something to the class, something that was worth being her in current formal posture.

"Class, I have quite an announcement to make today," Ivy-sensei said and it looked like I was correct.

"I'm sure you've all heard of the Provisional Hero License Exam that takes place for students in teaching to become heroes. Well, it has finally been decided that this class will also be entering the Provisional Hero License Exam."

Shocked, my eyes began to widen as a realization hit me with the announcement. The gossips in the classroom started to form as all I could think of was how close I was getting to achieving my goal.

This is another step closer to me being an actual hero.

"But hasn't the Provisional Hero License Exam already taken place?" Blackwiz made a truthful comment.

"That is correct and I did not say that you will be going to the Provisional Hero License Exam that had taken place already. You and the other similar schools like OCQ will be attending a Provisional Hero License Exam created for students like you.

It is the exact same as the original Exam but students like you, kept in these organizations have to be separated from the other schools like always. The government and the Hero Public Safety Commission long ago agreed to this after seeing that young people like you can have potentials as well."

I couldn't help but form the happiest grin in my life, and it wasn't fake and had no meaning. I was truly happy knowing how close I am getting to achieve becoming a hero. Even though I had a long way to go, if I am able to get my temporary hero license, this could mean something big.

"Of course, that doesn't mean you've earned your freedom. You still have that privilege point mark to achieve and until you do, you'll continue your training here. Now, get ready for some more training today as well. Also! I'll be talking with every single of you individually about the Provisional Hero License Exam for some further discussion."

The second Ivy-sensei finished, everyone started getting up from their seats before heading into the changing rooms to begin today's training.


After training, showering and dressing back into my casual attire, I headed back to my room from the changing area before I was suddenly halted by the calling of Ivy-sensei.

"100 Blade, could I have a little chat with you in your room?"

I turned around to see my teacher approaching me. I simply nodded before allowing her to enter my room along with me.

She made herself comfortable on my study chair as I sat down on the edge of my bed. Preparing for what I assumed was the further discussion she mentioned in class today.

"So, how about we start off by saying that the Exam is worth 20 privilege points." Ivy-sensei started and I was immediately shocked at that number.

Never have I earned privilege points that high before from any exams.

"And you, of course, can enter but not everyone is given a chance to start working with pro heroes even if they pass the Exam. It'll depend on your performance so I really hope you do well because I want you to pass, 100 Blade." Ivy-sensei continued.

"I want to pass too. This is what I've been training for and I'm only so close to achieving getting 100 privilege points, and then I can finally have the chance to become an actual hero." I expressed.

"100 is the maximum. You'll have to wait for one more year before you are officially able to be released." Ivy-sensei stated and I nodded in response. That comment slightly drained my high expectations.

"I won't be able to wish you good luck there, so I'm wishing you now. Good luck, 100 Blade and I'll be watching you from afar."

"Thank you, Ivy-sensei." I thanked her before she hoisted herself off my study chair before she walked towards the door.

As she was able to exit out my room, I stopped her for the last time.

"Wait," I called out to her and she came to an abrupt stop, turning towards my direction with her brows raised.

"Can I...can I use my quirk to the fullest? I've been training and working on it for so long and I am very confident that I can do it. Please?" I beg.

It took Ivy-sensei a moment to process what I just landed onto her shoulders. There was silence for a brief second or so which made me nervous and hoping to not hear the worst outcome.

She finally made up her mind when she focused towards me, as she said,

"Okay, 100 Blade. You can use your quirk to the fullest. I trust that you have both mental and physical ability to. So then, I'll be expecting to see what you are capable of doing. Don't let me down."

A strong smile formed across my face as determination fired in my eyes, as I sent her a strong and confirmed nod. Only to receive one back before she made her departure.

Just three more weeks until I can finally show everyone how worthy and strong I am to become the next hero.

So, this chapter might have been boring and you'll expect the same from the next chapter as well.

It'll kinda be like a filler, so you can skip it if you want because it's basically 100 Blade during the Exam.

Sorry if there isn't much Bakugou x Reader action right now but I am sticking to the whole Shonen theme and I don't expect the chemistry to come that quickly for Bakugou.

But don't worry! There is always future chapters to be excited for ;D

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