Chapter 39 - My Name Is...

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Those were the first annoying sounds I heard for, maybe the first time in a very long time. At least, that's what it felt like. Like I was born again.

Wa--Was I?? I just confusing myself?? Gosh, am I just overthinking everything again..?

All these thoughts ached my brain even more than it already was. Why am I being an idiot and just putting more pressure on myself?

But right now, all I see is darkness but I know it's only because my eyes are closed. It's nothing depressing, I think. I hope.

I'm not quite sure what's happening right now. Where I am, what I'm doing. But I know for sure that when I open my eyes I'll slowly start to realize and understand.

I head it hurting, so is my body right now as I finally got a feeling of it. But, I can't really move. I wonder why not, but I know something happened to me previously that is making me feel like this.

All I! I was in deep pain. I was bleeding out and I know I've broken a lot of bones in my body. did I get into that situation again..?

Oh! Yes! I was..fighting someone, I think. I was definitely in a battle of some sort.

Did I win? Wait..I was fighting all by myself??

That's just unfair.

. . . . .

I don't think I was alone. It is possible but I hope I wasn't, and I don't think I was but I don't remember a large group of people helping me.

Maybe a couple. Or a few..or even less than a few I feel like.

Why so fewer people though? There shouldn't be in a battle!? Is that why I was so terribly hurt?

I think so but! I know there was someone there with me. I can just..feel it almost.

My imagination is slowly forming a figure of a person, but it's only an average human figure.

I'm slowly getting there though.

There's...yelling and shouting. A lot of yelling and shouting. Almost like an unusual amount of yelling and shouting.

Somehow, that almost reminds me of someone.

A lot of loud noises, but not just any loud noises. They sound like explosions maybe? Yeah! Definitely explosions.

And somehow, that reminds me of someone.

A sudden rush of something filled my entire body. It made me heated and kind off...flustered?

I can just imagine my cheeks turning red but..for what reason? Why should I be embarrassed right now?

My heart pounds for something, for someone.

I feel like, I protected. I protected for something, for someone.

That's right, that someone is the one that's making me feel like this--making me feel alive.

That someone is giving me the energy I need to--to live and protect more. Not just for that someone, but others. Maybe, hopefully, I can, someday, and it's all thanks to that someone.

It's all thanks to......him. That's keeping me from not dying right now.

It's all thanks to--

Thank you, Bakugou.

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