Chapter 28 - Another Rescue

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I started panting several times before letting out a sigh of relief.

I searched the area and noticed that the hands of the villain I chopped off weren't anywhere to be seen.

I scratched the side of my head and thought to myself for a moment, where they had gone until I was interrupted by the ash blonde boy.

"Oi! Shit Blade!"

I rolled my eyes before turning around to face the calling Bakugou when I was suddenly confronted with a fist directly reaching my eye level, only inches away from touching my face before his fist weakly falls down.

I blink a few times before looking back at Katsuki who was panting so hard like he just ran a marathon.

His body posture was sluggish, and he was bleeding out of every part of his body. Not to mention again the damage that has been done to his skin by the villain. And just everything about him looked awful.

"'re really in bad conditions but you still had the strength to even try to throw a punch at me?" I said.

"You're lucky I don't have enough strength to send you falling through the air." He replied but I simply just shook my head at him.

"Why the hell did you interrupt me, again?" Katsuki asked.

"What do you mean?? That would've been the end of you if you were to continue fighting him without any help."

"You think I'm that weak?!"

"That's not what I said. Have you even gotten the chance to look at yourself? I don't know what that quirk was but it literally destroyed both of your arms and one of your legs. I couldn't stand there watching you."

"You should've because I was ready to kill that guy until you came in and chopped off his hands. You really are an annoying ass."

I shook my head again as I looked down at the ground thinking; why on earth wouldn't he accept my help at all? Does he want to be that strong to the point where he could kill himself?

I could already see the type of hero he could become in the future.

"Whatever. I'm really fucking pissed but there's no point yelling at you for the hundredth time because you never listen. If this happens again, remember, I don't need your, or anyone else's help. I am the strongest out of those extras in U.A. and out of you and your special-as friends. Got that?"

I just looked off to the side and shrugged my shoulders before saying, "...Whatever you say."

Katsuki started to walk, limping every step he took which instantly caught my attention as I looked down at his legs.

The one leg with the flesh showing was really putting him down and was continuously bleeding.

I fast-walked towards him and grasped onto his right arm and attempted to swing it around the back of my neck before he would resist it.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Helping, because you're in pain." I didn't stop until Katsuki forcefully pulled his arm away from me, groaning in pain as he did before saying,

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I told you I don't need your fucking help--!"

"No! You need to shut up and listen to me. I might not become a hero, okay? My chances are a lot lower than yours are, but that doesn't mean I don't have the skills and knowledge to be one.

I know well enough that heroes are trained to fight and rescue, and people like you take advantage of only one of them and not the other equally like you should. If you want to be strong and become a true hero then you can't accomplish that by yourself, Katsuki! You need others to help you, show you, and work with you because if I am correct; no hero is a hero unless they show strength, and acceptance to help when they aren't able to fight by themselves. Because...they will fail as a hero and die and then you won't be able to fight nor save the world.

So, are you telling me that my entire life has been a lie?? And that these teachings are not true even though pro heroes do look up to others?? Like...All Might does..?"

I looked at Katsuki who kept his head down and to the side this entire time. I could tell he was taking in all I said but at the same time, it felt like he didn't care.

I sighed but didn't move from where I was standing.

"You talk so fucking much. It's annoying." Katsuki finally replied after the awkward moment of just silence.


"What the hell are you waiting for?"

I blinked twice in confusion. "What?"

"DON'T MAKE ME EXPLAIN MYSELF, SHITHEAD! You know exactly what."

A sudden small smile formed on my face as I felt relieved for the second time.

I took his arm again and swiftly put it around my neck, gripping tight onto it and this time he didn't resist at all.


"Don't say anything or I'll get pissed."

I chuckled at his comment and decided to listen for once, and slowly start walking as he attempted to walk at my pace with my support.

"You know, I am very impressed that you were able to still fight him even with all that damage," I stated.

"I said; don't talk. Are you deaf?"

"Huh, funny you say that because I just recalled back to the time where you once called me--"

"Just shut up."


Continuous smiling.


After several minutes of just walking and nothing else, we finally made it back to the city area of things and it seemed like the villains were finally gone. But so were the people.

All the buildings were broken and disturbing stains of blood were scattered everywhere.

I couldn't imagine what more happened here when I was gone.

"There you two are!"

We heard a familiar voice and when we both looked up, we saw Best Jeanist running towards us.

"Are you two okay--Bakugou?! Are you serious??!"

"It wasn't my fault--!"

"I don't need to hear your excuses! You're staying at the hospital for as long as I want you to be which means, no more training until then." Best Jeanist proclaimed.


"And you, 100 Blade. We need to do some serious talking."

I looked up at the pro hero before back down, already knowing what I've caused for myself.

"I know.." I responded.

" least you were able to bring back Bakugou. Maybe not in one piece but it was a true achievement done like a pro-hero." And that statement brought a smile back to my face.

"Now then. I'll call the ambulance and we can--WH-WHAT!? MY JEANS?!? WHAT HAVE YOU TWO DONE TO THE MATERIAL..??!"

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