Chapter 13 - Her Look

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Sorry for the late update! I got really busy with my studies lately ^^;

One last thing!
If there is anyone that can translate japanese or korean or russian to english, then please private message me!

If you have enough spare time, I would really appreciate some translating please!

Hope you enjoy this chapter~

The next day I couldn't get over the experience I had yesterday.

Not the time spent with that hot-head of course, but the feeling of riding a train for the first time was truly eventful.

I enjoyed everything about it and it was exactly like the ones shown in the movies. Too bad that yesterday was going to be my last outing.

I sighed as I rested my head against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. My plan didn't work out as smoothly as I hoped. I really hope the reason Katsuki didn't want to fight me again was that for being frustrated from all the interruptions.

I would hate for him to know why I want to avoid his fights. Oh well, it doesn't seem to matter anymore.

I closed my eyes and decided to rest and just do absolutely nothing today. All hope is gone but at least I was able to experience what I've always wanted at least once in my entire life.

I gradually drifted off to sleep until a sudden banging at the door made me flinch, as I hoisted myself off the bed immediately to open the door.

I open the locks before dragging the door fully open to see my dear old guard friend standing in front of me.

"Oh, hey there. You need anything?" I asked casually.

"No, but he's here."

I blinked a few times to process that single, simple sentence.

'He's here'?? He means Katsuki, right? Who else would be here but..why is he here?

"You mean, Katsuki, right?" I had to whisper the 'Katsuki' part so that no one nearby would hear who has been escorting me out of this place in the past days.

"Yes, who else?"

"I thought he wasn't going to come anymore.." I muttered.

"Looks like it's your lucky day again. Come on now."

I nodded before exiting out my room before being escorted out again.

I arrived at the waiting room and indeed see the ash blonde boy sitting in the waiting area for me.

I small smile form across my face as I approached him with my arms crossed.

"So you ended up coming again?" I asked with a brow raised in suspicion.

Katsuki looked up at me with an annoyed facial expression. I'm honestly used to his normal face now.

"I thought you said you weren't going to come anymore? And kick me right out of your life." I carried on, dragging out everything he claimed about yesterday.

"You know how fucking annoying you are?" Katsuki asked.

"To you? Maybe, yes. Is that why you're here?"

"Just hurry the fuck out." Katsuki got up from the seat before walking out the front entrance of the hospital, and I pursued along.

"So..are you going to tell me why you came today?" I repeated myself.

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