Chapter 53 - An Awaking

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Utterly confused, I take a moment to properly examine the tube. Being cautious as I do, and making sure I don't make any wrong movements to disturb this peculiar substance that moved on its own will.

But as I'm about to find out, my cautiousness would come to no use as the glass tube suddenly bursts into pieces and rains down like snowflakes.

I quickly react by activating my quirk and skating to the end of this room.

My attention never leaves the scattered tube and I try to search for Ayaka's location, but before I could indicate the child, a wave of ink towers in front of me and I blink in sudden shock.

Quickly, I skated to the right side of the room but I was surrounded and I couldn't defend or attack with this absurd quirk.

I also knew that even if I tried, it would result in absolutely nothing but more pain implemented onto me. I've already seen what it is capable of performing and I am the wrong person to be here, right now with this lost child and his quirk.

I am completely helpless.

The wave of pitch-black fear comes towards me again, cornering me, and the movements are much sharper and quicker than it was before. Maybe because Ayaka is now more connected to this quirk and can control it much more efficiently. This means trouble for me.

I attempted another typical dodge but this time I was extremely unlucky and the ink caught on to me.

It was like the ink itself was another entity and it wraps around my arm. Pulling me with great force but I give a fight and impale my skates into the porcelain floor, giving the ink a tougher time to take me away.

I couldn't describe the pain I am in right now as this is the longest I've let the ink touch me but I have to endure it and move forward.

I would soon realize that I had made a terrible mistake.

Suddenly, the wave formed again behind me as I can see the shadow of horror on the floor. But as I turn my head back, my sight would completely vanish into the ink and now, it's all pitch black and all I see and feel is pain.

I close my eyes shut, tight, and scream in pain--as if anyone could hear me.

The ink is devouring me, burning me to death, and it even feels like it's taking over my blood cells.

I struggle but I move my arms and legs and screech even though there may be no point, I still cry out hoping that it would give me strength. I'm too afraid to attempt to eject out my blades in the fear that the ink would go deeper inside of me.

I move and cry and struggle and whine but in the end, I do feel something. I feel the sudden urge to survive and I know my human instinct is kicking in.

A...power? A new quirk? No, I don't think so. It feels too close to home to feel like a different quirk but I feel a lot stronger suddenly, a lot braver and a lot more awake.

I open my eyes, still, everything is pitch black but I feel determined.

Slowly, I grow my blades out my palms as lava-like liquid pours out. The light from this liquid helps me see even if it's only the slightest bit.

This isn't anything new but I feel more powerful and warm inside. Like something is burning to be awake any second now.

My hands twitch a little but I manage to take control of the ink that's urging to crawl back into my cells.

Suddenly, I feel a snap within and lava in my palms starts gushing out like a waterfall and before I knew it, I'm extending my blade and a burst of light suddenly occurs.

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