Chapter 45 - Mystery Girl

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This chapter contains a spoiler. A character that was only mentioned in the previous chapter, is featured as a main here. This character is in the manga and has not been in the anime yet.
Though, there is NO HARDCORE spoilers. I know this character even being mentioned is an instant spoiler, but there isn't really anything too bad here.
But! It is a warning nevertheless :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter if you wish to read it---spoilers! No Bakuhoe :''(

"I'm looking for, Eri?" I ask the receptionist at the hospital.

"And you are?" She asks about my identity.

"Ugh--" I knew I couldn't say any detail about me to the normal nurses and doctors here. I not even supposed to be here right now but, this is only because Katsuki asked me too so now I'm determined.

"I'm one of the patients here.." I nervously said back.

"I see...Well, if you aren't a certified family or friend then I cannot allow you to see whoever you are wanting to see."

"C-Can I speak to Eri's parents, please? I'm sure they'll let me speak to Eri." I actually wasn't sure at all.

"I cannot allow that at the moment. But..if you really want to speak to someone, the best person should be Mr. Aizawa." The receptionist said before going back to typing something on the computer that was in front of her.

"Aizawa-sensei??" I took that to a shock. "Alright..where is he?"

"Third floor, sweetie."

"Thank you," I thanked the receptionist before wheeling my way to the given floor.


"100 Blade, I cannot allow you to see her."

"But Kat--"

"And don't bring Bakugou into this. You really thought that he could convince me of anything?"

I frown down, hoping that Aizawa-sensei would feel some pity in me. Obviously, he was just more irritated.

"But I don't understand, Aizawa-sensei. Why would he tell me to meet this girl and why aren't you allowing it? Is she that important?" I suspiciously ask.

"I don't get anything Bakugou says, honestly, and I cannot give you any information about her. If you are that determined to meet her then be patient, and wait for at least a year--"

"A year!?!"

"Lower your voice." He strongly tells me off.

So I lowered my voice. "...A year??"

"She's not in the right conditions to meet anyone right now, and neither are you, 100 Blade." Aizawa-sensei folds in his arms like that was the final of it.

I sigh to myself and look off the side. It felt like I had failed Katsuki's request for something urgent.



"Can you tell me this; why would Katsuki tell me to meet her? Why me? He said that Eri needed some reassurance and that I was capable of it."

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