Chapter 37

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          "I feel some type of way when I look at that man. He just brings the bisexuality out of me like a circus trick." Noah, staring at a baffled and  shirtless Maddox.



           I'd fallen asleep. I knew that much. The car is warm and toasty as my eyelids slowly open. Somethings covering me so that I'm hidden from any cold chills in the car and when I peer down I see it's Harley's hoodie that's keeping me extra warm.

I'd only woken because I could hear him talking. At first I'd forgotten where I was until realisation kicked in that I'd agreed to hang out with him for a while. The harsh glare from the drive-thru does nothing to wake up my tired eyes as I squint out of the side window.

He'd already ordered and paid. The car idle as he quietly awaits for the young girl behind the window to bring him his food. He hasn't realised I'm awake yet, his mind elsewhere as he gently taps the steering wheel to the music humming softly from the radio.

I find myself smiling for no reason as I watch him, content to just stare at him a little while longer before making it known that I'm awake. A different song starts to play, one he seems to like a lot more than the previous one. His bandaged hand reaches for the volume control on the radio before he remembers that he's not alone. He backtracks and places his hand back onto the wheel, nodding to the beat and humming the words under his breath with determined quietness.

He only breaks rhythm when the girl is sliding the window across and passing him his order through the narrow space of the McDonald's window. He thanks her softly, getting a small smile in return and a cheery farewell before he's pulling away from the window, the food placed in his lap as he finds a parking spot to eat.

He leaves the engine running when he parks, heater still blowing hot air into the space so that we're warm. I watch him contemplate something in his mind as he stares down at the food in his lap like he's lost. No doubt trying to figure out how he's going to eat it without waking me. My smile never wavers even when he lifts his head up and glances right at me, surprise written on his face as he sees that I'm already awake.

"Hey." He murmurs softly before clearing his throat.


He holds one of the bags up and smiles sheepishly. "I ordered you food. I didn't know what you would like so I just got the same as I have."

He's being thoughtful and caring, and my smile only grows bigger the more he talks.

He clears his throat again and looks down at the different items in his lap, figuring out what is what as he rambles.

"I wasn't sure whether to wake you before I ordered or not but you were fast asleep and you looked peaceful so I didn't." A tint of rose graces the apples of his tanned cheeks, it's subtle but I can see it clearly. "I always have dessert with my meal but since you were sleeping I didn't know what you would want," He holds another bag up and bites his lip before continuing. "So I kind of got you everything?"

"You got me everything?" I ask baffled. He said it more of a question, so I'm unsure if he meant he got me two things in case I didn't like one or if he'd actually gone and bought the whole dessert menu.

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