Chapter 5

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Entering through the school doors, the halls suddenly grow quiet.

What they never seen someone have a piggy back from a 6'3 boy? Oh yeah, we are new students. Of course, excuse me from thinking this wouldn't be cliché as fuck right now.

"Who is that?" A nasally voice loudly whispers to a boy at her right by the lockers they're  leaning against.

"And why is she with him? He's hot!" Rolling my eyes at that comment we continue to head towards what I'm assuming is the office of the school.

Jumping down from Oliver's back I walk up towards the office desk to see an older lady with slight graying hair and a  round face with glasses perched on top of her nose typing away at her computer.

Coughing awkwardly as she hasn't noticed us yet I wave to try and get her attention. Just as I go to say something the bell for first period goes and everyone starts rushing towards their first class of the day.

Startled she places a hand to her chest and lightly laughs. "Oh deary me, sorry I didn't quite notice you there darling, what can I help you with?" she answers giving a warm smile to myself and Oliver who's standing to the side leaning against the door frame to the office with a bored expression.

"We are new to this school, and was wondering if you had our schedules for the classes?" I reply giving a warm smile back.

"Ah I see, yes of course. If I could just get your name's and I shall get you your schedules." Glancing between myself and brother she gives a large smile.

"Oh it's Olivia and Oliver Wild." I reply with a toothy grin.

"Oh! Yes of course darling, I'll just go get them!" She turns around and grabs our schedules from the filing cabinet behind her and slides them across the desk towards me.

"Here you go Olivia, have a great first day, if you get lost there's a map tucked inside your schedules and if you still can't find a class don't hesitate to ask a passer-by. Good luck dearies." Smiling and giving a small thank you back in return I turn around to face Ollie who's talking to a pretty brunette in a cheer leading outfit.

"Oliver I have our schedules, I think first class has already started so we will have to hurry." I give a small shy smile to the brunette who sends a tight lipped one back.

Ugh Of course she's one of them girls. He has horrible taste in girls I swear.

"Oh great, Holly here has agreed to see me off to my first class." He says sending a mischievous wink in her direction to which she shyly ducks her head and blushes.

How do they fall for it? Honestly, he's just going to smash and dash, fuck and chuck or whatever it is they say these days. And it's pretty darn positive that by lunch he will have a new girl next to him.

Sending a disgusted scowl in my brother's direction I reply. "Right yeah of course, you go do that. I'll see you at lunch, if not meet at the car after school?" Hitching my back pack higher on my shoulders he shrugs and replies.

"Yeah I'll probably see you at lunch, good luck Livvy-Bear. Anyone gives you shit send them my way! Teachers included, and try and stay out of trouble if I'm not there please." Holding his fist out for a fist bump I return it and walk backwards and give  a toothy grin before I holler out to him.

"DON'T FORGET BRO! WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT! AND NO PROMISES ABOUT THE TROUBLE PART!" To which he shakes his head laughing and heads off to what I presume is his locker with Holly.

Quickly checking my schedule I see I have English literature first with a Mrs Hart room 48.

Checking the map and glancing around the halls I'm able to fully see what the school looks like, it's just like your typical high school. Cream walls, with dark burgundy lockers and posters for the upcoming soccer try outs and cheer leading practices, band class and all the other extra-curricular after school clubs.

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