Chapter 12

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"I'm not looking at your dick Noah." I say squeezing my eyes shut as i try to eat my food in the cafeteria on Monday.

Mom and Dad left early yesterday morning to head over to my Grandma's place. A long list of things we aren't allowed to do was left on the kitchen counter which Ollie scoffed at and trashed as soon as he seen it. Don't get me wrong yeah we probably need that list to remind us, but i think their stressing a bit too much about it.

Okay probably not, but it's not like they're going to come home to a house full of strippers and under aged kids drinking and having sex everywhere.

Hopefully anyway.

"Oh come on!" He whines childishly while pouting out his bottom lip, "I swear it looked yellow this morning."

Opening my eyes i look towards Poppy for help to which she shrugs helplessly. "Did you by any chance have the bathroom light on?" I ask turning away from Poppy who goes back to scrolling through her phone, completely ignoring the fact her cousin is trying to get me to look at his dick in the cafeteria full of people.

He frowns in thought then nods his head, "Yeah.. what's that got to do with it?" He questions confused.

"You have one of them Eco light things right?" I ask with a raised brow to which he nods for me to continue,"There like tinted that weird color, hence why you thought your dick was yellow, plus you were probably baked." I explain with a roll of my eyes as Poppy snorts a short laugh across from us as realization crosses his features and he chuckles sheepishly.

"Damn.. what would i do without you ey?" He asks sending a wink towards me.

"If your head wasn't attached to your shoulders i'm pretty positive you would lose it." Poppy mutters as she twirls the straw from her milkshake with her finger, a smug look gracing her features and her dark red lips quirked up at the edges.

"You're drinking milkshake, but..." Noah says to her with a smirk then gestures around us with his arms at the empty space surrounding our table, "I don't see no boys in your yard, cuz." He finishes as she leans over to whack him upside the head to which he skillfully dodges while laughing.

"Fuck off Noah." She grumbles seating herself back down onto the chair and going back to her phone.

"I would but i'm kind of stuck with you." He retorts with a grin as she flicks him off without looking up.

Shaking my head i glance around the cafeteria and spot Jessie running towards us out of breath, her floral summer dress swaying side to side as she dodges the corners of tables and her cute cowboy style boots clicking away on the floor.

"Toy story!" I shout laughing as i see her face heat up from the attention i gather towards her as she tries to block her face with her denim jacket.

"Hey guys." She pants as she dumps her jacket to the side and sits down out of breath next to Poppy.

"Hey there Jessie." Noah grins looking at her then winking as she blushes. Leaning towards me while he keeps his eyes on her he whispers, "She's so cute," With a look of pure awe crossing his face as she talks to Poppy about an assignment we have due at the end of the month. Nodding my head in agreement i push his head away and chuck a chip at his face to stop him from drooling.

"So.." I trail off gathering Jessie and Poppy's attention."Where ya been?" I ask Jessie with a small smile.

"Oh.. i had to gather some information for a project from the library." She replies sheepishly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Have you had food yet? i can get you something so you don't have to queue if you want?" Noah cuts in acting like a true gentleman as Poppy and i stare at him with knowing smirks as Jessie begins to blush again, her cheeks coated with a light dusting of pink matching her lipgloss.

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