Chapter 21

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After I've taken the worksheets I done in detention this morning to the required teachers, I stroll out into the empty parking lot, my mind in a daze from how tired and hungry I am right now.

School finished half an hour ago. I told Ollie to leave without me as I know how impatient he gets when waiting. It was a lot easier walking home than having to listen to him whine about me taking my time.

Plus I rather liked the idea of walking home today. Something about the wind blowing your hair as you listen to your favourite bands blast through your earphones as you walk down the sidewalk, brings a small buzz of happiness my way.

Noah and Poppy left as soon as the final bell went, so I couldn't catch a ride from them. Plus Noah had work to do with Maddox and Poppy was going to head over to Jessie's house where I said I'd meet her in a few hours after I've finished up my errands for the day.

As I'm humming along to the song playing through my earphones I think of today's events with a small frown.

Poppy was cheated on. Tiffany is still a bitch. Noah beat up Jay, who I've actually not even met. And Harley... Harley's a grade A asshole.

I mean, yeah we bickered back and forth. We also shared a pretty intimate drunken kiss at that party. But I still feel we sort of clicked, in a friends type of way at least.

Sure he's majorly attractive, don't get me wrong, but a guy like Harley doesn't really seem the type to hold down a steady relationship. Not that I've ever had a steady relationship, if at all one, but I'd like to think I could possibly hold one down if I wanted to.

Instead I see him as a possible good friend. We can handle the playful banter with each other, and the flirting that we both seem to send each other's ways. Also we've established we can sit with each other and not have to talk about anything to feel comfortable.

He can't exactly shun me out anyway. He has my name
Tattooed on him for god sake, I require at least a greeting when I pass him in the school halls. I mean I'm also stuck with his name permanently etched on my skin.

Using a drunken night of getting tattoos with a guy I barely know as a way of him
Having to speak to me. Yeah, that's the best excuse ever Olivia.

I just have no inkling as to why he's acting the way he is now. As I walk past a woman washing her car on the driveway, I ponder over whether anything had happened from meeting Harley to now that could of made him go all salty with me.

I come up empty with a loud huff. Unless he's pissed off that I'm friends with Noah who's in the other gang. I mean it's not like I'm the one in it, so if it is that then it's a poor excuse to not be friends with someone in my opinion.

I unlock the front door to the house, the welcoming scent relieving a content sigh past my chapped lips as I scurry up the stairs to have a warm shower.

I pass Ollie's empty room as I walk towards my door. His car wasn't in the driveway when I arrived so I assume he's either with female company or out with friends. The usual.

A blissfully hot shower later and comfortable and clean batman pyjamas gracing my legs, along with a random hoodie I threw on, I grab my car keys from their home at the side of my bed where I'd carelessly thrown them the night before.

Heaving my still damp hair up into a messy bun, I snatch my glasses from my bedside table and position them on the bridge of my nose. A relieved sigh following right after as I don't have to squint through my tired eyes any longer.

I make myself a small sandwich in the kitchen along with a tall glass of apple juice to quench my hunger and thirst from walking the twenty minute walk home from school earlier. I'd have to wait until I get to Jessie's to have something greasy to eat, I promised them I'd pick up food for us.

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