Chapter 17

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After trying and failing all day to get our whereabouts for tonight from Ollie he relented and told me that he didn't really have anything planned just that we were going out, just the two of us. And to wear 'whatever the hell' I wanted, his words not mine.

I'd let Poppy and Jessie know that I wouldn't be making it to the party they were both gushing over all week and for them to enjoy their selves. Poppy had called around after school with Noah to borrow a dress from me. She'd flipped out after Noah had accidently shrunk the one she was going to wear tonight.

He had offered to buy her another one but she threw her arms around in a wild fit and said there was no time left for that. Last resort, Noah had dragged her to my house and pleaded with me to as he put it; 'get her a fucking dress so she'll shut up'.

After she had chosen a maroon dress with long sleeves from my wardrobe, she happily skipped out the room giving Noah a wicked smile to which he silently fumed with a secretive glare in her direction before a promise to take me out soon for shutting her up so quickly.

I'd felt guilty about missing out the party with the girls but Poppy assured me it was fine and to enjoy my night with Ollie. Then I felt extremely guilty with Noah, knowing that he wasn't going to the party with the girls, but he promised he was absolutely fine with it and that he had plans with Maddox tonight anyway.

I'd panicked for a whole ten minutes then over who was picking the girls up but Poppy had shaken me and slapped me back to sense and said that her new 'boyfriend' was taking her and Jessie home. Much to Noah's annoyance, he allowed it, saying he was gonna be super busy anyway and wouldn't have much time to get them, but made her pinky swear if she needed him for anything that she would call as soon as she could and he would be there.

Her new 'boyfriend' and I use the term very lightly because with Poppy you just don't know how long this guy will be around, is some guy in her math class called Jay. Apparently he's a quarterback on the schools football team.

They left shortly after for Poppy to get ready and I was left to find something to wear tonight on my own. Ollie hadn't come home from soccer practice yet and mentioned he would be back as soon as possible and that he'd bring food with him. I couldn't exactly argue with that now could I?

So that leaves me here at 7PM on a Friday night putting the finishing touches to my outfit. I'd opted for a slim fitting white tshirt style dress that hugs my curves nicely without showing off everything. I paired it with some black suede over the knee heels and left my long pink hair straight for a change.

Spritzing a bit of perfume on I check I haven't forgotten anything in the mirror. Makeup is done, hairs done and outfits done, I mentally check before realising I'd forgot to put my nose ring in after my shower. Putting my nose ring in I give a quick wink towards myself in the mirror and grab my black clutch with my things in before heading to Ollie's room as I hear him rummage around in there after getting back a few minutes ago.

"Well don't you look clean." I muse, taking in Ollie's mud stained shorts and tshirt and the green tints dotted all over it, as I saunter into his messy room.

"Practicing our dodges and passes today." He clarifies as he walks out of the bathroom, the sound of the shower running in the background as he rummages in his underwear drawer.

I hum instead of answering and plonk myself down on the edge of his bed as gracefully as I can. Which was actually me almost missing the bed completely before I caught myself and shuffled backwards earning a snort of a chuckle from Ollie who watches me with amusement.

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