Chapter 16

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(Ollie at the top)

"Ollie! You home?" I shout out as I place my keys on my bedside table and kick my shoes off to the side.

           I drove around for a while after Noah spoke to me before he left. I thought at one point I was being followed by a black SUV but they turned off towards the city after being behind my car for half an hour. Hopefully it was just a coincidence that it followed me just after I left the drive thru with Ollie's food.

"My room!"

"Be there in a second!" I shout back from my wardrobe as I grab some sweatpants and a hoodie.

Tying the pull string to my sweatpants I shuffle across towards Ollie's room and barge in through the door without knocking.

"Sup home skillet." I greet him with a chin lift.

"Chicken nugget," he nods with a grin as he pulls a tshirt over his head,"how's it going?"

Flopping on to my stomach on his bed I wave a hand in the air, "I'm dead tired."

"It's only.." He mumbles as the sound of him shuffling fills the room,"6 o'clock." He finishes, the humor laced in his tone.

"And? Am I not allowed to be tired now at 6 o'clock? It's been a very long day." I say defensively as I prop my head in my hand and glance up at him.

"Oh poor you," he coos walking over and squishing my cheeks with his hands. Laughing I push his hands away from my face.

"Where's my food?" He steps back holding his hand out as a gesture to pass him the food from thin air.

"Don't have it." I shrug glancing away from him in a bored manner.

"What do you mean you don't have it?" He cries, completely baffled that I wouldn't have food for him. "You said I'd have food!" He growls just as his stomach rumbles loudly.

"Noo," i drone on looking up at him with a sly smirk,"I said I was going to get you food, but you my dear brother," I bring my finger up and point it at him as I close one eye and circle his face in the air as he stares at me, "Were being a blunt brother with shitty replies." I finish pulling my hand down and grinning up at him as he scowls at me.

"I said I was busy!" He whines, throwing himself onto his bedroom floor dramatically he starts to kick his arms and legs out. "I want my food! I'm hungry!"

"Maybe if you were being a bit nicer to your baby sister then she would of got you some food." I retort with a scoff as he continues to thrash around on the floor, his clothes that had been chucked carelessly there are now going all directions as he picks them up and starts to throw them around in his little hissy fit.

He stops abruptly after hearing what I said and sits up looking like an automatic robot, Freaking me out at the same time as he stares directly at me with a cold look. "I'm telling mom and dad!" He exclaims jumping to his feet and running towards his phone thats on his desk behind me.

"You do realise that technically, you should be the one looking after me right now? Considering you're older. So phoning them complaining you're hungry and that I didn't get you food will get you no where. Especially as they will just tell you that there's food down in the kitchen you can eat." I rattle on with a knowing tone as he stops and turns to look at me with a glare.

"You're the devil!" He announces with an accusing finger. "Anyway, I'm only older by like a year or something. That's hardly anything, we're practically twins." He scoffs.

"Yep practically twins," I humour him as I nod my head, "so if we are twins I guess you can maybe tell me what I could be thinking right now?" I ask looking towards him with a raised brow.

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