Chapter 6

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Half way left till the weekend.


School had ended without any interruptions yesterday, Ollie snagged a ride with one of the cheerleaders so i headed straight home. First day and i had calculus and English homework. Woo fun times.

I hadn't heard anything back from Noah after yesterday's call, so I assumed he was still dosed up on whatever Jeff had given to him for the pain. I should probably call him after school to check up on him, I can guess he's pretty pissed off with his nose though. You'd think being shot was enough to be annoyed about, but no not Noah. He's a strange one.

Sighing loudly to emphasize my dislike of getting up early I start to get out of bed and jump in the shower.

I had somehow managed to get myself up without any grumbles today, Mom and Dad had already left early this morning. No surprise there.

I understand that they're super busy with work, but i just feel like they are never home anymore. I miss them.

After my rather quick shower I check the time to see that it's already half seven giving me half an hour to be ready to leave for school.

It's meant to be relatively hot today so I opted for some white high waist shorts, a light blue cami top and a cream cardigan and my light blue vans to go with it.

After my hair is dried and loosely curled and a quick swipe of mascara, I grab my pink backpack and phone and make my way downstairs.

Closing the bedroom door behind me i trudge towards Ollie's door. Knocking with no answer i push the handle down and peek inside to see his messy bed with him not in site.

Sighing i close his door and walk down the steps slowly whilst trying to listen out if i can hear him anywhere.

No sounds apart from the clock in the sitting room ticking away and the hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Looking closer at the refrigerator I see a sticky note attached.


Had soccer practice early today so I took my car in. there's some leftover breakfast in the fridge if you want it.

Love your amazingly good looking brother.

p.s try not to kill anyone today, if that's not an option text me first so I can help hide the body, love ya you crazy pink haired gremlin.

Laughing at his idiocy I pull the note from the fridge and chuck it into the trash.

Turning back around to the fridge i open it to see scrambled eggs and bacon. Grabbing the plate i place it in the microwave, drumming my fingers on the counter top to a random beat  as the microwave signals it's done.

When i'm just about finished eating, my phone pings in my pocket with the familiar text tone.

Noah- I'm alive. My nose is fucking broken. I'm so pissed babe.

Chuckling I reply.

Olivia - yay! I thought you were dead. I guessed it was broken after hearing the loud crack on the phone yesterday; tell Jeffy he has one hell of a punch XD

Noah- I will tell Jeffrey no such thing! You're supposed to be on my side you traitor! How am I supposed to pick up girls now?! Good god my life is over.

Olivia- you deserved it from the comment about his mother you dick. I am on your side. Its called the dark side. Muhaha. Oh would you shut up. Your life has barely started.

Bad HabitsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ