Chapter 11

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"Noah, if you want to get your truck we gotta do it now. I got shit to do today!" Maddox shouts as he bangs my bedroom door loudly, the hinges rattling on the old wooden frame.

Swiveling around from my computer i pull a tshirt over my head and pull the door open with a large grin to piss him off.

"Oh darling, how nice of you to rise from your beauty sleep for me." I drawl sarcastically while batting my lashes with a sweet smile. He stares back at me with an emotionless face and his arms crossed not looking the least bit thrilled to be talking to me right now.

How rude, i'm a fucking ninja. Damn privilege to speak to someone as amazing as myself i mentally scoff as he continues to stare at me.

"Too early?" I ask rubbing the sore spot on my stomach where the taser hit me last night and cringing as the bruise aches.

He smirks when he notices the bruise to which i quickly cover with a glower towards him, "Breakfast in five, and no pissing us off till 11, you know the rules." Rolling his eyes as i check my phone for the time he walks past me and heads towards the kitchen.

Shoving the phone back into my shorts pocket i grab my car keys from the bedside table before placing a kiss to my fingertips and pressing it against the frame that holds my mom's picture.

"God, i miss you mom." I mumble as i stare at the beautiful curly haired woman staring back at me with a large smile and an arm wrapped around a smaller version of myself who has strawberry ice cream covering his face with a large grin.

Shaking my head i wipe away the lone tear from my cheek and compose myself before walking out of my bedroom door.

As i Walk through the doorway i remember i'm supposed to head over to Olivia's today. I wonder what she got up to last night? I think as i sit next to a rough looking Poppy at the kitchen island. Turning my head to look at her crumpled pajamas and bed hair, i grin as she turns to look at me.

"Rough night pops?"I question amused as i prop my arm onto the counter and lay my chin on it.

With an annoyed sigh from her, she looks away from me and mutters a small thanks to Maddox who places a stack of pancakes in front of her with maple syrup.

"It's not 11 yet Noah, you can't do that shit yet." She mumbles between mouthfuls as i roll my eyes.

"I know that, can't a concerned older cousin ask how his baby cousin is doing?" I say sweetly as i wink at Maddox who places my breakfast in front of me while shaking his head.

We eat in quietness apart from the odd comment from me of course. It wouldn't be right of me to not point out what the syrup running down Maddox's chin looks like now would it?

"Pops you heading to Olivia's with me today? I told her i'd call over for a bit." I mention as i grab their plates to put into the dishwasher seeing as Maddox was the generous one to make our breakfast today.

"Yeah sure, let me grab a quick shower and change first though, i reek of cigarettes and booze." She mutters as she tries to take a sniff of her short hair. Laughing quietly i nod in answer as she scurries towards her bedroom.

"So what's your plans for today Madd?" I turn towards him as he leans against the kitchen island with a small frown.

"Got to get some money that's owed to bossman." He says with a roll of his eyes as he walks around the island and grabs a jacket from the back of the small sofa in the sitting room.

"Right, need a hand before i go?" I ask getting up and shrugging a hoodie on.

"Yeah, that would be great actually, saves me from being there longer than needed." He sends me a rare thankful smile and switches the TV on to the news station as a news woman reports on the local gang activity happening in the city a few minutes away from where we live.

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