Chapter 27

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It had only just gone 8 O'clock at night, the sky is pitch black and the air is dry and pure, my lungs breathing it all in with a satisfied smile that it's no longer hot out. It doesn't take me long to arrive back home and park the car. I spot Ollie's car straight away, parked neatly on the driveway as the street light glistens down on it, making the paint shimmery.

Hoping Ollie isn't in too much of a mood when I get in, I hop out of my car and head towards the front door quietly. Pushing the handle down I try and push the door open only to fall straight into it as it doesn't budge in the slightest.

Strange, maybe he's locked it?

Fumbling with my house keys, I insert the key and twist while pushing the handle down again. It still doesn't open, making my brows furrow in confusion.

I start to Knock impatiently, my foot tapping on the ground as I wait for my brother to come to the door. I can hear the television on in the other room so I know he's awake inside and just ignoring me.

"Ollie! Open the door!" I shout not caring that the neighbours will hear me.

I hear his feet shuffling into the hall and towards the front door, and then his face peers out behind the curtain of the window next to the door. He rolls his eyes as he sees me.

"Open the door." I hiss pushing the handle down a few times as if that will make any difference to the situation.

"I'm sorry," He says faking confusion. "Do I know you?"

I give him a blank look. "Are you serious right now?"

"Of course I am. Some strange girl is trying to get into my house."

Frustrated I kick the door and then go towards where he's standing behind the rectangle window just to the side of it. I can see that he's pushed the table that's kept at the side of said door, right up against it so even if the door was unlocked, I wouldn't be able to get in.

"Are you kidding me?" I say, disbelief lacing my tone. "You've blocked the door?"

"Intruders and all that." He smirks smugly at my frustrated state, happy that I'm pissed off with him just like he is with me.

I breathe in and out a few times in hopes that my anger will simmer down. There's no point me trying the back door because I can guarantee he's blocked that one too, he's just that childish. I'd totally do the same, but still.

"Fine." I hiss after a few seconds as I narrow my eyes at him irritated over this whole thing. "Sleep here by yourself tonight."

He smiles brightly at the fact I'm backing down, his teeth blinding me at the same time. "Sounds good to me." His face morphs into a smirk again then, just as I hear a girls voice in the background calling out to him.

"I'm not by myself anyway."

I glare at him one more time before I turn around and walk down the porch steps and towards my car, my feet thundering against the concrete with the anger that's leaking out.

He's so dramatic it's not even funny. All of this because he thinks I ruined his soccer clothes on purpose?

When I'm in the car and pulling away, I see him retreat from the window and back to his company for the night. I quietly seethe as I head towards Noah's apartment, hoping that they aren't out right now so I can crash there.

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