Chapter 4

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"Olivia! get your butt up, you got school." Mom hollers whilst banging on my bedroom door.

Muttering a few colorful cuss words under my breath I rub my eyes and turn around to be met with the brightness from the sun peeking through the small opening in my blackout curtains.

"I'm up woman jeez." I mutter whilst swinging my feet over the side of the bed, and glancing at the digital clock on my desk to see that its ten minutes past seven. Since there's no need for a shower this morning since I had once last night, I venture towards my walk in closet to decide what to wear today.

Grabbing clean under garments, I rummage through my clothes looking for something half decent at least for the first day at hell. Deciding on a pair of dark blue ripped jeans and a white sweatshirt with geek on the front I head towards my desk and plug in my iPhone to the docking station.

Pulling up Break from Toronto by PARTYNEXTDOOR, I hum the words whilst heading towards the bathroom to freshen up. After I've applied some light makeup and brushing through my pink curls I start to brush my teeth.

Brushing my teeth by the sink I hear my phone buzzing from the docking station in my bedroom. Rinsing out my mouth with mouthwash I spit the rest into the sink and rush to my phone.

Running into my room I don't notice one of my shoes on the floor and go flying into the edge of my bed. Great going Olivia the klutz. That's gonna leave a bruise.

"Ugh mother fudger." Grumbling some profanities under my breath I hobble over to my desk and grab my phone to see that it was Noah who was texting.

Noah- good luck in the new school today babe. Try not to do too much damage yeah?

Olivia- why thank you kind sir. Me? Damage? Pff never

Noah- huh I could have sworn it was you who shaved some girl's hair over gum, must be someone else then.

What the hell?! How on earth did he find out about tha- OLIVER.

I will kill him.

Olivia- okay maybe that was me, she deserved it lol. let me guess you found out from Oliver right? I swear that boy

Noah- yeah you were on Oliver's snapchat lol, pretty positive everyone around here and the next continent over know about it haha

Olivia- im gonna kill him! Ugh I have to get ready and head off now, ill call or text soon! Ttfn ly booooo xxx

Noah- don't forget to film it for me yeah? Kaayyy! Good luck again! Love ya xxxxx

Putting my phone in my pocket and grabbing my pink tie dye backpack I head downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen I'm greeted by my chirpy mom. "Morning sweetheart, your dad's already left for work. I'll be heading off to the boutique to check stock soon. Want me to make you anything before we head off?" She offers whilst grabbing the coffee for me to pour.

She has just bought a small wedding dress boutique in our new town and dad works for some fancy law firm, so we don't tend to see them often. Morning usually just consist of myself and Ollie.

"Um no thanks, I think I'm just going to grab an apple or something, I'll have to head off real soon to get to the reception and grab my schedule anyways." I shrug whilst smiling over to her and grabbing a cup of coffee.

Mmm sweet sweet coffee, the only good thing about getting up early for school.

Before she can reply, Oliver struts into the kitchen in all his glory. Can you see that? No? well I'm rolling my eyes right now.

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