Chapter 35

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"Sexy intimidation must be his cologne, because fuck me." – Noah, while staring at the ever intimidating Maximiliano De Luca Wild.


                      Noah POV

         It took me two days to get over my hangover. Two days of moaning and groaning, puking and wretching and cursing from Maddox about the noise interrupting his sleep as I had my head stuck down the bowl of the toilet, my insides coming up through my mouth and through my nose like hot lava.

No sympathy from that one. There really isn't.

I'd missed Jessie at the party in Gage's. She wasn't able to make it since it was her dad's birthday that day and they'd all gone out for a family meal. I wasn't upset that I didn't have her there with me, most of me was glad for it.

She would of seen me for the drunken fool I am. Alcohol and I have a love/hate relationship. It can go one way or the other with no inbetween. That night it was a hate relationship.

I'd blanked out about half way through the night, I don't even remember Harley and his boys turning up until Maddox had informed me that they were at the party the next day as I was curled up in my bed, a warm cocoon of sweat and regret coating my skin as he laughed at my unfortunate state from the doorway.

I must of babbled to everyone who would listen about my girlfriends hair and how it smelled of sunshine and happiness. It feels good to be able to say that. My girlfriend. I think about her constantly, when I'm at home watching T.V, or out doing shit with Maddox. I wonder what she's up to and what she's thinking, until I can't resist calling her to just hear her voice as she rambles excitedly about a book she's currently reading. She's adorable and she's mine.

I'm about as positive as a prostitutes chlamydia test that I'm in love with the girl.

"Hey," Jessie's soft voice murmurs, pulling me out of my realisation as her fingers toy with the zip on my jacket. "Where'd you go just then?"

I dip my head down to see her watching me beneath her lashes, eyes blinking at me as a sweet smile lights up her face.

"You're so beautiful." I grin, swooping down to place a kiss against her lips, not being able to resist the smiles she gives me.

I'm pretty sure I'd do anything for this girl in my arms, no joke.

She melts against the kiss, my arms locking her in so she doesn't go anywhere.

"You're a natural born charmer, Noah." She blushes when we break apart, a rosy splattering dusting her cheeks as her fingers brush against her puffy bright pink lips.

"I can't help it." I shrug, grin still in place as I pull her closer, arms locked around her waist. "I can't resist you."

She makes me feel good. Like smoking three blunts and listening to some chilled out music on a Saturday type of good. It's a blissful feeling that I've not had from anything else other than music and weed.

Her blush doesn't go away, not that I'd want it to, it makes her glow like the sun outside. I'm being real fucking sappy with my words, but she brings out the inner romantic in me, I'd tell you to sue me but I don't have any money, so yeah. Don't sue me.

Her hand gently cups the side of my cheek as she runs her thumb against the freshly shaven skin, School bell going off in the background as kids dart off to their classes.

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