Chapter 9

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Sitting around the fire with everyone I watch as Aussie passes out shot glasses with absinthe inside. Apparently we are going to be playing true or false. The aim of the game is to tell two short stories, one has to be true the other false, a bottle is spun by one person who will be the guesser, if they guess the true story correctly the story teller takes a shot. If  they guess incorrectly they take the shot instead, and then it's on to the next person. Fairly simple and a very funny game to play, some stories are completely crazy.

Tilting my head I watch as Noah spins the bottle first, it landing on Levi. This should be entertaining.

"Okay Levi! Your up mate!" Aussie cheers loudly towards a highly intoxicated Levi. Tapping his chin thoughtfully he looks around the small circle formed.

"Okay.. first story. Grandma went out of town for two days and needed myself to babysit her asshole of a cat for her, so there I am on the second day watching television after cooking a delicious four cheese pizza, about an hour later I get  up to take the dishes to the kitchen and i see the oven door left open, so naturally I close it, right?" Looking at everyone as we are intrigued by the story and nodding for him to go on, he grimaces and carries on.

"So I close the oven door after putting the dishes away and carry on watching a few shows, the usual. It gets to about 10 at night, no signs of the cat in the last few hours, at this point I'm so baked I don't even realize, anyway I decide to cook something in the oven again. After putting the oven on to heat up before putting said food in I return to the shows  I was watching. About half hour later my stoned ass realized I'd left the oven on with nothing in so I  get up and grab the food to put in,  at this point there's this foul smell going through the house." Shaking his head he wrinkles his nose up and takes a large gulp from the plastic cup in his hand. Everyone's intently listening and waiting for him to carry on, a few people already looking slightly pale and sick.

"Thinking nothing of it, I open the oven door and come face to face with a crusty and fleshy looking puddle of dead cat." He finishes with a look of half amused and half disgusted on his face as a few girls get up and stalk off towards the house, no doubt to be sick.

"Okay that's pretty fucked up bruh.. second story!" Aussie claps enthusiastically as he watches a girl run towards a bush to be sick. Grinning Levi pushes his hair away from his face and leans back.

"Freshman year, four girls one hot tub. Shit got wildddd, they done this weird thing with their tongue on my bal-" He's interrupted by a grossed out looking Harley.

"Dude, da fuq? Tmi." Harley mutters with a disturbed look as he watches his friend poke his tongue out and wiggle it around.

Laughing with a wistful look on his face he looks towards Noah who's curled up on the floor, his head resting on Maddox's lap, his eyes half open as he watches Noah's face closely. Maddox not paying much attention to the game but is instead talking to a girl who's twirling a piece of her red hair around her finger and batting her lashes at him, hanging onto every word Maddox says to her like a love sick puppy.

"I'm gonna say the cat one is true." Shifting his body over a bit he nuzzles his head more comfortably on Maddox's lap as he looks down at him with a weird amused face at his friend.

Tutting Levi waggles a finger in Noah's direction. "Nope! Hot tub was my best memory yet! Those girls were like out of this world I swear." Sighing dreamily as he thinks back on the memory he sits up from his leaned back position and grins at Noah. Sighing heavily as if it's simply too much effort to breath, Noah lifts his head up then sloppily crawls on all fours towards where I'm sitting. Amused I watch as he drunkenly curls up on his side and places his head in my lap, once he's settled he grabs my hand and places it into his hair. Once he's satisfied as I start to run my fingers through it he picks up the shot glass and downs it.

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